From the Greek paideia, meaning "education" or "child-rearing" (from paidos meaning "child"), FreedomPedia aims to educate others, children or adults, about freedom (eleutheria, in case you were wondering) and a variety of freedom-related topics. The main goal is to document how the Voluntary Society has worked in the past, works in the present and will continue to work and generally benefit all its participants in the future. A secondary objective is to contrast how the Coerced Society fails to benefit but a few of its members.
Today's Featured Article
- Advocates for Self-Government:
Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit, non-partisan libertarian educational organization. It was founded in 1985 by Marshall Fritz, who died on 4 November 2008. As of 2017, Michael Sertic heads the organization as its president, and Brett Bittner is the executive director. Chris Rufer is the chairman of the board of directors.