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26 Jul 2024
Upd Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Topic:  Day Care Taking care of children while parents work
Upd   Articles Better day care with less government
Suggests that by deregulating day care, such as by eliminating licensing, zoning and higher standards, and by cutting taxes so that one can parent can stay home, day care would be much more affordable
Upd     How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden
Contrasts the morality and attitudes of the generation of Bylund's grandmother to that of the first and second generations "raised with and by the welfare state"
Individual:  Lǎozǐ Ancient Chinese philosopher, author of the Dào Dé Jīng
Upd   Writings Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi)
Research, compilation and indexing by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.; includes modern Chinese, 25 English and five Spanish versions, introduction, chapter and thematic indexes and extensive bibliography
Topic:  Licensing, Occupational Laws and regulations that limit entry into or continued exercise of a particular occupation
Upd   Articles Better day care with less government
Suggests that by deregulating day care, such as by eliminating licensing, zoning and higher standards, and by cutting taxes so that one can parent can stay home, day care would be much more affordable
Topic:  Personal Responsibility Accepting the consequences of one's actions
Upd   Articles How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden
Contrasts the morality and attitudes of the generation of Bylund's grandmother to that of the first and second generations "raised with and by the welfare state"
Place:  Sweden Territory in northern Europe, ruled since 1905 by the Konungariket Sverige
Upd   Articles How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden
Contrasts the morality and attitudes of the generation of Bylund's grandmother to that of the first and second generations "raised with and by the welfare state"
Topic:  Unemployment The state of not being engaged in a gainful occupation
Upd   Articles How the Welfare State Corrupted Sweden
Contrasts the morality and attitudes of the generation of Bylund's grandmother to that of the first and second generations "raised with and by the welfare state"
Place:  Washington The Evergreen State
Upd   Articles Better day care with less government
Suggests that by deregulating day care, such as by eliminating licensing, zoning and higher standards, and by cutting taxes so that one can parent can stay home, day care would be much more affordable
25 Jul 2024
Topic:  Arms, Right to Keep and Bear Right of individuals to own firearms
Upd   Interviews Cold Comfort: An Interview with John R. Lott
Focuses primarily on Lott's More Guns, Less Crime (1998): what led him to write it, approving, critical and other reviews and interpretations of the data presented
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Interviews Cold Comfort: An Interview with John R. Lott
Focuses primarily on Lott's More Guns, Less Crime (1998): what led him to write it, approving, critical and other reviews and interpretations of the data presented
Place:  Florida The Sunshine State
Upd   Interviews Cold Comfort: An Interview with John R. Lott
Focuses primarily on Lott's More Guns, Less Crime (1998): what led him to write it, approving, critical and other reviews and interpretations of the data presented
Topic:  Health Care Preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and other services related to the health of an individual
Upd   Articles Winning the Battle for Freedom and Prosperity
Updated from speech given at FreedomFest 2004; after a brief background on himself, Mackey criticizes the freedom movement from a marketing and branding perspective and suggests a different approach by de-emphasizing some issues and prioritizing others
Upd Pedia:  Reason Foundation Promotes libertarian principles, including free markets, individual liberty, and the rule of law
Topic:  Socialism Socio-economic system in which the means of production and distribution are under collective or government control
Upd   Articles Winning the Battle for Freedom and Prosperity
Updated from speech given at FreedomFest 2004; after a brief background on himself, Mackey criticizes the freedom movement from a marketing and branding perspective and suggests a different approach by de-emphasizing some issues and prioritizing others
Individual:  Sullum, Jacob Senior editor of Reason, nationally syndicated columnist
Upd   Interviews (interviewer) Cold Comfort: An Interview with John R. Lott
Focuses primarily on Lott's More Guns, Less Crime (1998): what led him to write it, approving, critical and other reviews and interpretations of the data presented
Topic:  War Armed conflict between nations: "The Health of the State"
Upd   Articles Winning the Battle for Freedom and Prosperity
Updated from speech given at FreedomFest 2004; after a brief background on himself, Mackey criticizes the freedom movement from a marketing and branding perspective and suggests a different approach by de-emphasizing some issues and prioritizing others
24 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Why Pay For Things?
Explains the two options to how people can obtain and keep things, in terms a five-year old can understand, expanded from the explanation given by an older sister, a college student without economics training
Upd     What Would Schools Be Like?
Discusses how schools would be different if they were no longer controlled by the government, and after talking to a survivor of the Columbine High School mass shooting, points out the primary purpose of government schooling
Upd     W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
Topic:  Educational Freedom Absence of coercion in learning and educating
Upd   Articles W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
Topic:  Education, Compulsory Attendance in schools that is mandated by laws
Upd   Articles What Would Schools Be Like?
Discusses how schools would be different if they were no longer controlled by the government, and after talking to a survivor of the Columbine High School mass shooting, points out the primary purpose of government schooling
Individual:  Fritz, Marshall President of Alliance for the Separation of School and State
Upd   Writings What Would Schools Be Like?
Discusses how schools would be different if they were no longer controlled by the government, and after talking to a survivor of the Columbine High School mass shooting, points out the primary purpose of government schooling
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
Upd   Articles W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
Individual:  Harper, F. A. Economics professor, founder of the Institute for Humane Studies
Upd   Writings Why Pay For Things?
Explains the two options to how people can obtain and keep things, in terms a five-year old can understand, expanded from the explanation given by an older sister, a college student without economics training
Individual:  Herbert, Auberon Nineteenth century English philosopher and Member of Parliament
Upd   Articles W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
Topic:  Learning The process of acquiring knowledge or skills
Upd   Articles W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
Topic:  Private Property Ownership of assets by individuals or non-governmental legal entities
Upd   Articles Why Pay For Things?
Explains the two options to how people can obtain and keep things, in terms a five-year old can understand, expanded from the explanation given by an older sister, a college student without economics training
Topic:  Religion, Freedom of Liberty to practice any or no religion
Upd   Articles W(h)ither Public Schools?
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
23 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles The social pathologies of all-day kindergarten
Discusses the "pet scheme" of Nevada Senate member Dina Titus to start compulsory government education at age five, offering multiple quotes from John Taylor Gatto as counterarguments
Topic:  Educational Freedom Absence of coercion in learning and educating
Upd   Articles We Need Freedom, Not School Standards
Compares the levels of education of Americans before and after 1840, when Horace Mann and others architected "public schools" and various levels of government got involved in education
Topic:  Education, Compulsory Attendance in schools that is mandated by laws
Upd   Articles The social pathologies of all-day kindergarten
Discusses the "pet scheme" of Nevada Senate member Dina Titus to start compulsory government education at age five, offering multiple quotes from John Taylor Gatto as counterarguments
Topic:  Learning The process of acquiring knowledge or skills
Upd   Articles We Need Freedom, Not School Standards
Compares the levels of education of Americans before and after 1840, when Horace Mann and others architected "public schools" and various levels of government got involved in education
Individual:  Washington, George First President of the United States
Upd   Biography Biography of George Washington: George Washington's Mount Vernon
Educational resource from the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association; includes birth and childhood, French & Indian War, marriage & family, entrepreneur, slavery, Revolutionary War, Constitutional Convention, Presidency and final years
22 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
Upd   Reviews The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men
Review of The War Agains Boys (2000) by Christina Hoff Sommers
Topic:  Communism Socio-economic system in which private property rights are eliminated
Upd   Articles The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
Topic:  Drugs, War on Legislation and enforcement actions against consumers and producers of substances that are deemed to be addictive or otherwise dangerous
Upd   Articles The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
Topic:  Education, Compulsory Attendance in schools that is mandated by laws
Upd   Reviews The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men
Review of The War Agains Boys (2000) by Christina Hoff Sommers
Individual:  Friedman, Milton 1976 Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences
Upd   Articles The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
Topic:  Health Care Preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and other services related to the health of an individual
Upd   Articles The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
Individual:  Szasz, Thomas Psychiatry professor and author
Upd   Writings The War On Drugs Is Lost
Symposium with essays from William F. Buckley Jr., drug policy researcher Ethan A. Nadelmann, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, former chief of police Joseph D. McNamara, judge Robert W. Sweet, psychiatrist Thomas Szasz and law professor Steven B. Duke
19 Jul 2024
Individual:  Bastiat, Frédéric 19th century French economist
Upd   Writings Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
Upd     Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Topic:  Economics Study of the means that human beings use to satisfy their individually desired ends
Upd   Articles Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Place:  England The southern part of the island of Great Britain
Upd   Articles Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
Place:  France Territory in western Europe, ruled since 1958 by the République Française
Upd   Articles Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
Upd   Articles Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
Topic:  Happiness, Pursuit of The human striving for improved and usually more pleasant conditions
Upd   Articles Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
Topic:  Labor Human physical and mental skills available to produce goods and services
Upd   Articles Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Topic:  Liberty, Moral Freedom to engage in acts purportedly injurious to one's self or one's property
Upd   Articles Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
Topic:  Metaphysics Branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality
Upd   Articles Wants, Efforts, Satisfactions
Examines the concepts of sensation, pain, wants and satisfactions, connecting them by human effort to postulate that the exchange of services are what constitute the science of economics; originally in the Journal des économistes
Individual:  Spooner, Lysander Lawyer, abolitionist, entrepreneur, legal theorist and political radical
Upd   Writings Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty
Contrasts crimes and vices, discussing the need to legislate or take other governmental action against the former but not the latter, countering several potential arguments in favor of vice legislation, in particular laws regarding spirituous liquors
18 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Topic:  Conservatism Political philosophy that emphasizes respect for traditional institutions
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Topic:  Democracy Form of government where the power is exercised directly or indirectly by a majority of the citizens
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Topic:  Personal Responsibility Accepting the consequences of one's actions
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Topic:  Repression, Moral Legislation and government actions that attempt to dictate "moral and proper" behavior
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Group:  Republican Party United States
Upd   Articles Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
Individual:  Richman, Sheldon Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Treating Us like Children
Comments on an amendment to an appropriations bill that would outlaw Internet gambling, overwhelmingly approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, and discusses Robert Filmer's theory of "paternalism" evinced by the prohibition
17 Jul 2024
Topic:  Attacks of 11 September 2001 Terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 2
Continues the account of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq, describing the "oil for food" program, the resignations of two senior United Nations officials in protest and the influence on the 11 Sept 2001 attacks
Individual:  Bovard, James Author, controversial Washington journalist
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 1
Tells the history of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United Nations before military action in the 1990 Gulf War, exacerbated by military targeting during the war and kept in place after the war
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 1
Tells the history of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United Nations before military action in the 1990 Gulf War, exacerbated by military targeting during the war and kept in place after the war
Upd     Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 2
Continues the account of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq, describing the "oil for food" program, the resignations of two senior United Nations officials in protest and the influence on the 11 Sept 2001 attacks
Upd     Stop the Cannon Fodder
Reflects on the individuality of war casualties, such as putting "a face on each of the 20,000" young Brits who perished in one day at the Battle of the Somme, versus the youthful tendency "to become part of the mass and fight in a war"
Upd Pedia:  Foundation for Economic Education One of the oldest free-market organizations in the U.S., founded in 1946 to study and advance the freedom philosophy
Individual:  Hornberger, Jacob G. President of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 1
Tells the history of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United Nations before military action in the 1990 Gulf War, exacerbated by military targeting during the war and kept in place after the war
Upd     Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 2
Continues the account of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq, describing the "oil for food" program, the resignations of two senior United Nations officials in protest and the influence on the 11 Sept 2001 attacks
Place:  Iran Territory in southwest Asia, ruled since 1979 by the Jomhuri ye Eslāmi ye Irān
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 1
Tells the history of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United Nations before military action in the 1990 Gulf War, exacerbated by military targeting during the war and kept in place after the war
Place:  Iraq Territory in southwest Asia, ruled since 2005 by the Jumhūriyyat Al-‘Irāq
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 1
Tells the history of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq imposed by the United Nations before military action in the 1990 Gulf War, exacerbated by military targeting during the war and kept in place after the war
Upd     Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 2
Continues the account of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq, describing the "oil for food" program, the resignations of two senior United Nations officials in protest and the influence on the 11 Sept 2001 attacks
Upd     Stop the Cannon Fodder
Reflects on the individuality of war casualties, such as putting "a face on each of the 20,000" young Brits who perished in one day at the Battle of the Somme, versus the youthful tendency "to become part of the mass and fight in a war"
Place:  Middle East The countries of southwestern Asia and, conventionally, Egypt
Upd   Articles Sanctions: The Cruel and Brutal War against the Iraqi People, Part 2
Continues the account of the U.S. government sanctions against Iraq, describing the "oil for food" program, the resignations of two senior United Nations officials in protest and the influence on the 11 Sept 2001 attacks
Topic:  War Armed conflict between nations: "The Health of the State"
Upd   Articles Stop the Cannon Fodder
Reflects on the individuality of war casualties, such as putting "a face on each of the 20,000" young Brits who perished in one day at the Battle of the Somme, versus the youthful tendency "to become part of the mass and fight in a war"
16 Jul 2024
Topic:  Baseball America's favorite pastime
Upd   Articles Pete vs. Joe
Counters the argument of those in favor of admitting Pete Rose to the Baseball Hall of Fame by relating the story of Shoeless Joe Jackson and discussing the results of permissiveness
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Pete vs. Joe
Counters the argument of those in favor of admitting Pete Rose to the Baseball Hall of Fame by relating the story of Shoeless Joe Jackson and discussing the results of permissiveness
Upd     Protecting Opinions That We Loathe
Argues against the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (which was overturned in 2002 by the Supreme Court for being too broad)
Group:  Foundation for Economic Education One of the oldest free-market organizations in the U.S., founded in 1946 to study and advance the freedom philosophy
New   Videos An Inside Look at the Foundation for Economic Education FEE
Wayne Olson, chairman of FEE's Board of Trustees, gives a guided tour of the Irvington-on-Hudson location, discussing FEE's history and mission
Individual:  Sowell, Thomas Author, syndicated columnist, fellow at the Hoover Institution
Upd   Writings Pete vs. Joe
Counters the argument of those in favor of admitting Pete Rose to the Baseball Hall of Fame by relating the story of Shoeless Joe Jackson and discussing the results of permissiveness
Topic:  Speech, Freedom of Liberty to speak, write or otherwise express oneself
Upd   Articles Protecting Opinions That We Loathe
Argues against the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (which was overturned in 2002 by the Supreme Court for being too broad)
Individual:  Taylor, Joan Kennedy Author, founding member of Feminists for Free Expression
Upd   Writings Protecting Opinions That We Loathe
Argues against the 1996 Child Pornography Prevention Act (which was overturned in 2002 by the Supreme Court for being too broad)
15 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles The New Witchcraft
Discusses the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, after the Supreme Court in Oct 2001 heard the case against it, but before it rendered its judgement in Apr 2002
Upd     On Moral Education
Condensed from "Moral Education" chapter, as reprinted in Left and Right, Spring 1966; contrasts the parental practice of punishing children with the approach of letting children be guided by the natural consequences from their actions
Upd     A Passion for Life
Discusses how political systems break the human spirit, how to live well one must live with passion, reflecting on the events of the Enlightment and the Industrial Revolution as inspiration and why personal liberty, not just economic freedom, is necessary
Topic:  Life The inalienable human right from which other rights are derived
Upd   Articles A Passion for Life
Discusses how political systems break the human spirit, how to live well one must live with passion, reflecting on the events of the Enlightment and the Industrial Revolution as inspiration and why personal liberty, not just economic freedom, is necessary
Individual:  Orwell, George British writer, author of 1984 and Animal Farm
Upd   Articles A Passion for Life
Discusses how political systems break the human spirit, how to live well one must live with passion, reflecting on the events of the Enlightment and the Industrial Revolution as inspiration and why personal liberty, not just economic freedom, is necessary
Topic:  Politics The practices of guiding, influencing or controlling government
Upd   Articles A Passion for Life
Discusses how political systems break the human spirit, how to live well one must live with passion, reflecting on the events of the Enlightment and the Industrial Revolution as inspiration and why personal liberty, not just economic freedom, is necessary
Individual:  Shaffer, Butler Professor of law at Southwestern University
Upd   Writings A Passion for Life
Discusses how political systems break the human spirit, how to live well one must live with passion, reflecting on the events of the Enlightment and the Industrial Revolution as inspiration and why personal liberty, not just economic freedom, is necessary
Topic:  Speech, Freedom of Liberty to speak, write or otherwise express oneself
Upd   Articles The New Witchcraft
Discusses the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, after the Supreme Court in Oct 2001 heard the case against it, but before it rendered its judgement in Apr 2002
Individual:  Spencer, Herbert 19th century English philosopher
Upd   Writings On Moral Education
Condensed from "Moral Education" chapter, as reprinted in Left and Right, Spring 1966; contrasts the parental practice of punishing children with the approach of letting children be guided by the natural consequences from their actions
Individual:  Taylor, Joan Kennedy Author, founding member of Feminists for Free Expression
Upd   Writings The New Witchcraft
Discusses the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, after the Supreme Court in Oct 2001 heard the case against it, but before it rendered its judgement in Apr 2002
Topic:  War Armed conflict between nations: "The Health of the State"
Upd   Articles A Matter of Conscience
A ten-year veteran and Army Sergeant explains why he refused to deploy to Iraq for a second time
12 Jul 2024
Individual:  Bentham, Jeremy 18th/19th century English philosopher and legal scholar, an early proponent of utilitarianism
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Upd     Let the Immigrants Stay
Discusses the plight of unaccompanied Central American children migrating to the U.S. who face deportation by the Obama administration
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
Upd   Articles Let the Immigrants Stay
Discusses the plight of unaccompanied Central American children migrating to the U.S. who face deportation by the Obama administration
Individual:  Hospers, John Professor of philosophy, 1972 Libertarian Presidential candidate
Upd   Writings Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Topic:  Liberty The right and ability to act and express oneself in a freely chosen manner
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Topic:  Liberty, Moral Freedom to engage in acts purportedly injurious to one's self or one's property
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Topic:  Life The inalienable human right from which other rights are derived
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Individual:  Mill, John Stuart Nineteenth century British philosopher and economist, author of On Liberty
Upd   Articles Libertarianism and Legal Paternalism
Discusses laws "designed to protect people from themselves" arguing that in general such laws are illegitimate
Individual:  Richman, Sheldon Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Let the Immigrants Stay
Discusses the plight of unaccompanied Central American children migrating to the U.S. who face deportation by the Obama administration
Topic:  Rights Powers and privileges one may properly claim as due
Upd   Articles Let the Immigrants Stay
Discusses the plight of unaccompanied Central American children migrating to the U.S. who face deportation by the Obama administration
11 Jul 2024
Topic:  Attacks of 11 September 2001 Terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
Upd   Articles Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Individual:  Branden, Barbara Writer and lecturer, author of The Passion of Ayn Rand
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  Branden, Nathaniel Psychotherapist, author of The Psychology of Self-Esteem
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  Cleyre, Voltairine de American anarchist writer, lecturer and activist
Upd   Interviews Charles Johnson on his Many Publications, Libertarian Feminism and Anarchic Individualism
Topics include the Markets Not Capitalism anthology, some of Johnson's essays, his family, the Alliance of the Libertarian Left, war, constitutions, feminism, unions, the United States, Murray Rothbard, Austrian economics and the future
Topic:  Ethics Branch of philosophy that studies the values that guide human conduct
Upd   Articles Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Health The general condition of the body; freedom from physical disease or pain
Upd   Articles Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Individual:  Heinlein, Robert A. American science fiction writer
Upd   Articles Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
A tribute to Robert LeFevre, highlighting his solution to ensuring private justice
Individual:  Hess, Karl Editor of Libertarian Party News 1986-1990, Barry Goldwater speechwriter
Upd   Articles Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
A tribute to Robert LeFevre, highlighting his solution to ensuring private justice
Place:  Iraq Territory in southwest Asia, ruled since 2005 by the Jumhūriyyat Al-‘Irāq
Upd   Articles Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Individual:  Kelley, David Founder and Executive Director of The Objectivist Center
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  LeFevre, Robert Founder of the Freedom School (later known as Rampart College) in Colorado Springs
Upd   Articles Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
A tribute to Robert LeFevre, highlighting his solution to ensuring private justice
Topic:  Life The inalienable human right from which other rights are derived
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Love, Romantic Emotional and sexual relationships between men and women
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  McElroy, Wendy Author, individualist feminist
Upd   Writings Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
A tribute to Robert LeFevre, highlighting his solution to ensuring private justice
Topic:  Objectivism Philosophy put forth by Ayn Rand
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Personal Responsibility Accepting the consequences of one's actions
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Psychology The sudy of the mind and of human behavior
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  Rand, Ayn Objectivist philosopher, novelist
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Individual:  Richman, Sheldon Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Iraqi Sanctions: Were They Worth It?
Analyzes the sanctions imposed on Iraq during the 1990's, and Madeleine Albright's memoirs, Madam Secretary (2003), where she attempted to recant on her 1996 statement that the sanctions were "worth it"
Individual:  Rothbard, Murray N. Economist of the Austrian School, author of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
Upd   Articles Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
A tribute to Robert LeFevre, highlighting his solution to ensuring private justice
Individual:  Ruwart, Mary Pharmaceutical research scientist, author of Healing Our World, 2008 LP presidential aspirant
Upd   Interviews Charles Johnson on his Many Publications, Libertarian Feminism and Anarchic Individualism
Topics include the Markets Not Capitalism anthology, some of Johnson's essays, his family, the Alliance of the Libertarian Left, war, constitutions, feminism, unions, the United States, Murray Rothbard, Austrian economics and the future
Individual:  Sciabarra, Chris Matthew Politics scholar at New York University, editor of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Self-Esteem Confidence and respect in oneself
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  Sexual Pleasure Sensual gratification from sexual activities
Upd   Interviews Interview with Nathaniel Branden
In two parts; topics range from David Kelley, objectivism, Ayn Rand, his memoir Judgment Day, Barbara Branden, Leonard Peikoff, homosexuality, self-esteem and more
Topic:  War Armed conflict between nations: "The Health of the State"
Upd   Interviews Charles Johnson on his Many Publications, Libertarian Feminism and Anarchic Individualism
Topics include the Markets Not Capitalism anthology, some of Johnson's essays, his family, the Alliance of the Libertarian Left, war, constitutions, feminism, unions, the United States, Murray Rothbard, Austrian economics and the future
10 Jul 2024
Individual:  Boaz, David Executive vice president of the Cato Institute, author of Libertarianism: A Primer
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Upd     The Egregiously Destructive War on Drugs
Discusses the adverse effects that the war on drugs has on innocent people who don't consume drugs
Upd     Finding the Flaws
Discusses how governments naturally attempt to influence each other, the democratic flaw of voting for benefits at others' expense, in particular children, and how the U.S. Constitution has failed to avoid this outcome
Topic:  Constitution, United States The supreme law of the United States of America
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Upd     Finding the Flaws
Discusses how governments naturally attempt to influence each other, the democratic flaw of voting for benefits at others' expense, in particular children, and how the U.S. Constitution has failed to avoid this outcome
Topic:  Democracy Form of government where the power is exercised directly or indirectly by a majority of the citizens
Upd   Articles Finding the Flaws
Discusses how governments naturally attempt to influence each other, the democratic flaw of voting for benefits at others' expense, in particular children, and how the U.S. Constitution has failed to avoid this outcome
Topic:  Education, Compulsory Attendance in schools that is mandated by laws
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Upd     Finding the Flaws
Discusses how governments naturally attempt to influence each other, the democratic flaw of voting for benefits at others' expense, in particular children, and how the U.S. Constitution has failed to avoid this outcome
Topic:  Religion, Freedom of Liberty to practice any or no religion
Upd   Articles Freeing the Education Market
Examines the effects of compulsory public education on literacy rates and suggests market alternatives
Individual:  Sobran, Joseph Nationally syndicated columnist, past Senior Editor for National Review
Upd   Writings Finding the Flaws
Discusses how governments naturally attempt to influence each other, the democratic flaw of voting for benefits at others' expense, in particular children, and how the U.S. Constitution has failed to avoid this outcome
9 Jul 2024
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Economics 101
After describing some basic economics principles, examines worthwhile rationales for public-policy mandates such as setting a 5 mph national speed limit or requiring gun safety-locks to prevent child deaths from gun accidents
Topic:  Economics Study of the means that human beings use to satisfy their individually desired ends
Upd   Articles Economics 101
After describing some basic economics principles, examines worthwhile rationales for public-policy mandates such as setting a 5 mph national speed limit or requiring gun safety-locks to prevent child deaths from gun accidents
Individual:  Molinari, Gustave de 19th century Belgian/French economist, considered the originator of market-anarchism
Upd   Articles Les Economistes Libertaires
Discusses the French economists of the 19th century and in particular Gustave de Molinari and his thoughts on the provision of security and defense services by private agencies
Topic:  No Free Lunch TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Upd   Articles Economics 101
After describing some basic economics principles, examines worthwhile rationales for public-policy mandates such as setting a 5 mph national speed limit or requiring gun safety-locks to prevent child deaths from gun accidents
Individual:  Williams, Walter E. Professor of Economics, author, syndicated columnist
Upd   Writings Economics 101
After describing some basic economics principles, examines worthwhile rationales for public-policy mandates such as setting a 5 mph national speed limit or requiring gun safety-locks to prevent child deaths from gun accidents
8 Jul 2024
Individual:  Block, Walter Professor of economics, Loyola University and Senior Fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Upd   Articles Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles The Drug War's Immorality and Abject Failure
Discusses how drug use differs from criminal, property-rights violations, the justifications for the drug war and the many areas where it has had detrimental effects on society: inner cities, rule of law, foreign relations, etc.
Upd     Drug Legalization: How to Radically Lower the Number of Murders in New Orleans
Suggests drug legalization as a remedy to the increased murder rate in New Orleans and then considers six objections to such a plan and its potential effects
Upd     Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Topic:  Democracy Form of government where the power is exercised directly or indirectly by a majority of the citizens
Upd   Articles Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Topic:  Educational Freedom Absence of coercion in learning and educating
Upd   Articles Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Topic:  Libertarianism Political philosophy that advocates freedom of action and thought for every human
Upd   Articles Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Individual:  McElroy, Wendy Author, individualist feminist
Upd   Writings Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Place:  Ohio The Buckeye State
Upd   Articles Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Topic:  Prohibition Laws forbidding the production, sale, transportation or consumption of alcoholic beverages
Upd   Articles Drug Legalization: How to Radically Lower the Number of Murders in New Orleans
Suggests drug legalization as a remedy to the increased murder rate in New Orleans and then considers six objections to such a plan and its potential effects
Individual:  Rand, Ayn Objectivist philosopher, novelist
Upd   Articles Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Individual:  Richman, Sheldon Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Individual:  Rothbard, Murray N. Economist of the Austrian School, author of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
Upd   Articles Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Individual:  Smith, Adam Eighteenth century Scottish economist, author of The Wealth of Nations
Upd   Articles Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
Topic:  Socialism Socio-economic system in which the means of production and distribution are under collective or government control
Upd   Articles The Drug War's Immorality and Abject Failure
Discusses how drug use differs from criminal, property-rights violations, the justifications for the drug war and the many areas where it has had detrimental effects on society: inner cities, rule of law, foreign relations, etc.
Topic:  State, The The group of people that, having effective control over a government, benefit the most from the exercise of its power
Upd   Articles Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
Topic:  Taxation Compulsory contributions demanded by governments from individuals and other entities
Upd   Articles Democracy and Government Schools
Discusses the current state of government education, including "creative solutions" such as charter schools and vouchers, and the influence of the "religion of democracy" in achieving a free market in education
5 Jul 2024
Topic:  Ama-gi Sumerian cuneiform word for the concept of freedom or liberty
Upd   Web Pages Our Amagi Logo
Topic:  Arms, Right to Keep and Bear Right of individuals to own firearms
Upd   Articles The Control Cult
Comments, in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, on those who believe the causal factors can be identified and controlled by the state, and how this extends not just to gun ownership but many other areas such as "global warming"
Upd Source:  Boaz - Hero of the Day, David Biographical profile published by The Daily Objectivist
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles The Control Cult
Comments, in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, on those who believe the causal factors can be identified and controlled by the state, and how this extends not just to gun ownership but many other areas such as "global warming"
Upd Source:  Equality and Inequality, On Article by Ludwig von Mises published in Modern Age, Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 1961, pp. 139-147
Upd Source:  Goethe - Hero of the Day, Johann Wolfgang von Biographical profile published by The Daily Objectivist; excerpt from article on Goethe in Encyclopedia Britannica, 8th edition (1852-1860)
Upd Pedia:  Hayek, F. A. Austrian economist, winner of the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
Upd Pedia:  Jefferson, Thomas Author of the Declaration of Independence, third President of the United States
Upd Source:  Madison - Hero of the Day, James Biographical profile published by The Daily Objectivist
Upd Source:  Mill - Hero of the Day, John Stuart Biographical profile published by The Daily Objectivist; includes excerpts from Mill's Autobiography (1873)
Upd Pedia:  Mill, John Stuart Nineteenth century British philosopher and economist, author of On Liberty
Individual:  Shaffer, Butler Professor of law at Southwestern University
Upd   Writings The Control Cult
Comments, in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, on those who believe the causal factors can be identified and controlled by the state, and how this extends not just to gun ownership but many other areas such as "global warming"
Topic:  State, The The group of people that, having effective control over a government, benefit the most from the exercise of its power
Upd   Articles The Control Cult
Comments, in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, on those who believe the causal factors can be identified and controlled by the state, and how this extends not just to gun ownership but many other areas such as "global warming"
Topic:  Terrorism The systematic use of violence to attempt to achieve ideological goals
Upd   Articles The Control Cult
Comments, in the wake of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, on those who believe the causal factors can be identified and controlled by the state, and how this extends not just to gun ownership but many other areas such as "global warming"
4 Jul 2024
Topic:  Capitalism Economic system where the means of production are privately owned
Upd   Reviews Capitalism For Kids
Concise review of Karl Hess' Capitalism for Kids (1987) concluding with "I wish [this book] had been around when I was a kid"
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Childhood Ends at Puberty
Recounts the early life of Benjamin Franklin and argues for ending formal basic education by 13
Upd   Reviews Capitalism For Kids
Concise review of Karl Hess' Capitalism for Kids (1987) concluding with "I wish [this book] had been around when I was a kid"
Topic:  Education, Compulsory Attendance in schools that is mandated by laws
Upd   Articles Childhood Ends at Puberty
Recounts the early life of Benjamin Franklin and argues for ending formal basic education by 13
Individual:  Franklin, Benjamin 18th century American printer, inventor and statesman
Upd   Articles Childhood Ends at Puberty
Recounts the early life of Benjamin Franklin and argues for ending formal basic education by 13
Individual:  Hess, Karl Editor of Libertarian Party News 1986-1990, Barry Goldwater speechwriter
Upd   Reviews Capitalism For Kids
Concise review of Karl Hess' Capitalism for Kids (1987) concluding with "I wish [this book] had been around when I was a kid"
Topic:  Learning The process of acquiring knowledge or skills
Upd   Articles Childhood Ends at Puberty
Recounts the early life of Benjamin Franklin and argues for ending formal basic education by 13
New Source:  No Treason. No. II.: The Constitution. Essay by Lysander Spooner, examining the U. S. Constitution, published by himself in 1867
3 Jul 2024
Topic:  Arms, Right to Keep and Bear Right of individuals to own firearms
Upd   Articles Ban People–They Kill
Discusses potential gun bans after the 16 April 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and laments the change in attitudes regarding guns, knives, movie violence and teacher and parental authority from when Roberts was a child
Topic:  Association, Freedom of The right of the people to meet or associate with others for peaceful purposes
Upd   Articles Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Individual:  Barnett, Randy Professor of law at Boston University
New   Writings Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Individual:  Becker, Gary Professor of economics at the University of Chicago, 1992 Nobel Prize winner in Economics
Upd   Reference Becker, Gary S. (1930-)
Biographical and bibliographical essay
Topic:  Bureaucracy A hierarchy of government officials, mostly unelected, that set policies, prescribe regulations and administer them
Upd   Articles Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Topic:  Children Sons and daughters; young persons, infants, adolescents
Upd   Articles Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Upd     Ban People–They Kill
Discusses potential gun bans after the 16 April 2007 Virginia Tech shootings and laments the change in attitudes regarding guns, knives, movie violence and teacher and parental authority from when Roberts was a child
Upd     The battle to make America wet again
Recounts how the 18th Amendment (ratified January 1919) and National Prohibition Act were repealed (in December 1933), particularly through the efforts of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR)
Upd     Becker, Gary S. (1930-)
Biographical and bibliographical essay
Topic:  Communism Socio-economic system in which private property rights are eliminated
Upd   Articles Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Topic:  Corporatism Socio-economic system in which large businesses exert influence over and benefit from government policies
New   Articles Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Topic:  Government The group of people that exercises authority over a country or other political subdivision
New   Articles Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Upd     Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Individual:  Harper, F. A. Economics professor, founder of the Institute for Humane Studies
Upd   Writings Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Topic:  Labor Human physical and mental skills available to produce goods and services
Upd   Articles Becker, Gary S. (1930-)
Biographical and bibliographical essay
Topic:  Libertarianism Political philosophy that advocates freedom of action and thought for every human
New   Articles Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Individual:  Mencken, H. L. Journalist, author of The American Language
Upd   Articles The battle to make America wet again
Recounts how the 18th Amendment (ratified January 1919) and National Prohibition Act were repealed (in December 1933), particularly through the efforts of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR)
Topic:  Prohibition Laws forbidding the production, sale, transportation or consumption of alcoholic beverages
Upd   Articles The battle to make America wet again
Recounts how the 18th Amendment (ratified January 1919) and National Prohibition Act were repealed (in December 1933), particularly through the efforts of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR)
Topic:  Rights Powers and privileges one may properly claim as due
New   Articles Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Upd     Blessings of Discrimination
Discusses the human ability to discriminate, e.g., to feel the heat of a stove, which Buddha considered an "essential" virtue, contrasting it with the policy of nondiscrimination on employment, association and other areas
Individual:  Rothbard, Murray N. Economist of the Austrian School, author of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
New   Articles Libertarianism Updated
Discusses five areas in which Barnett believes libertarianism, "largely frozen in amber since the 1970s", ought to "up its game"
Topic:  Voting Selecting those who will govern by casting ballots
Upd   Articles The battle to make America wet again
Recounts how the 18th Amendment (ratified January 1919) and National Prohibition Act were repealed (in December 1933), particularly through the efforts of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR)
2 Jul 2024
Place:  Argentina Territory in southeast South America, ruled since 1861 by the República Argentina
Upd   Articles Give Freedom Its Turn in Latin America
Paper delivered as part of a seminar in the Center for Constructive Alternatives; argues that problems in Latin American countries are systemic and are due to a "lack of understanding of the economic principles and ethics of a free society"
Upd     How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Upd     The Way of All Cash, Part I
Continuing from "Don't Cry for Evita", begins to relate the story of Argentine President Juan Perón and the Peronist movement
Upd     The Way of All Cash, Part II
Second and final installment of the history of the Peronist movement in Argentina, covering the period from the late 1980's to the early 2000's, as well as going back to before the 1930's and discussing Perón's terms in office
Individual:  Chafuen, Alejandro Former president and CEO of the Atlas Network
Upd   Writings How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Group:  Federal Reserve System The central bank of the United States
Upd   Interviews Interview with Gary Becker
Topics discussed include the economics of crime, economics and law, banking discrimination, economic education, social security, behavioral economics, sociology, career choices and moral hazards
Group:  Foundation for Economic Education One of the oldest free-market organizations in the U.S., founded in 1946 to study and advance the freedom philosophy
Upd   Articles How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Group:  Grove City College Teaches and advocates free market economic theory
Upd   Articles How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Place:  Guatemala Territory in Central America, ruled since 1985 by the República de Guatemala
Upd   Articles Give Freedom Its Turn in Latin America
Paper delivered as part of a seminar in the Center for Constructive Alternatives; argues that problems in Latin American countries are systemic and are due to a "lack of understanding of the economic principles and ethics of a free society"
Topic:  Inflation Popularly, a rise in prices of goods and services; in economics, monetary expansion
Upd   Articles The Way of All Cash, Part II
Second and final installment of the history of the Peronist movement in Argentina, covering the period from the late 1980's to the early 2000's, as well as going back to before the 1930's and discussing Perón's terms in office
Group:  Mont Pelerin Society Aims to strengthen the principles and practice of a free society
Upd   Articles How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Individual:  Rand, Ayn Objectivist philosopher, novelist
Upd   Articles How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Individual:  Sennholz, Hans German-American economist of the Austrian School
Upd   Articles How I Became a Liberal
Chafuen recalls his grandparents and parents, his youth in Argentina, and the people in Argentina and the United States who influenced him; reprinted as chapter 15 of Walter Block's I Chose Liberty (2010)
Topic:  World War II Worldwide conflict from 1939 to 1945
Upd   Articles The Way of All Cash, Part I
Continuing from "Don't Cry for Evita", begins to relate the story of Argentine President Juan Perón and the Peronist movement
1 Jul 2024
Place:  America, Latin The Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking regions of the Americas
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Topic:  Anarchism, Individualist Anarchism that emphasizes the individual and his or her preferences over other considerations
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Place:  Argentina Territory in southeast South America, ruled since 1861 by the República Argentina
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Upd     Don't Cry for Evita
Reflections upon visiting the Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires and viewing the tomb of Eva Perón, describing much of her story
Topic:  Association, Freedom of The right of the people to meet or associate with others for peaceful purposes
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Group:  Atlas Network Helps to develop a network of worldwide market-oriented think tanks
Upd   Articles Classical Liberalism in Argentina: A Lesson for the World
Highlights Argentine history from the 1810 revolution to the late 20th century, arguing that the period from 1852 to 1930 demonstrated the validity of Adam Smith's writings, also discussing 1958 visits by Leonard Read and Ludwig von Mises
Topic:  Constitution, United States The supreme law of the United States of America
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Place:  Italy Territory in southern Europe, ruled since 1946 by the Repubblica Italiana
Upd   Articles Don't Cry for Evita
Reflections upon visiting the Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires and viewing the tomb of Eva Perón, describing much of her story
Individual:  Konkin III, Samuel Edward Proponent of agorism and author of the New Libertarian Manifesto
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Individual:  McElroy, Wendy Author, individualist feminist
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Money The most commonly used medium of exchange
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Press, Freedom of the Liberty to publish facts and opinion
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Individual:  Rand, Ayn Objectivist philosopher, novelist
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Religion, Freedom of Liberty to practice any or no religion
Upd   Articles The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practice as Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith
Examines the history of Argentine law prior to adoption of the 1853 Constitution, the arguments in Alberdi's Bases and the influence of the U.S. Constitution during the remainder of the 19th century and up to 1930
Individual:  Rothbard, Murray N. Economist of the Austrian School, author of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Speech, Freedom of Liberty to speak, write or otherwise express oneself
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Place:  Sweden Territory in northern Europe, ruled since 1905 by the Konungariket Sverige
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Technology Practical application of engineering or technical processes
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
Topic:  Voluntaryism Libertarian philosophy that advocates non-political strategies to delegitimize the State
Upd   Interviews Wendy McElroy on Sex, Rape and Libertarian Feminism
Topics discussed include McElroy's early life, two of her notable books, individualist anarchism, voluntarism, conspiracy theories, religions, banks and money, feminism, capitalism, Austrian economics, Julian Assange and the future
28 Jun 2024
Place:  America, South Continent occupying the Western Hemisphere south of the Isthmus of Panama
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Upd Place:  Argentina Territory in southeast South America, ruled since 1861 by the República Argentina
Upd   Measures of Freedom Freedom in the World 2024
2024: Status: Free, Aggregate Score: 85/100, Political Rights: 35/40, Civil Liberties: 50/60
Upd     Economic Freedom Summary Index
2021: 4.77, Rank: 158
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Place:  Brazil Territory in eastern South America, ruled since 1988 by the República Federativa do Brasil
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Topic:  Constitution, United States The supreme law of the United States of America
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Topic:  Economic Freedom Absence of coercion or controls over economic activities
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Topic:  Economics, Austrian The school of economic thought founded by Carl Menger
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Topic:  Educational Freedom Absence of coercion in learning and educating
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Individual:  Hornberger, Jacob G. President of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Topic:  Law, Rule of Legal environment where cases are handled in a non-arbitrary manner
Upd   Articles A Libertarian Visits South America
Relates Hornberger's trip to give lectures and participate in debates at the Instituto de Estudos Empresariais (IEE) in Brazil and the launching of the Fundación Atlas para una Sociedad Libre in Buenos Aires
Individual:  Mises, Ludwig von Austrian school economist, author of Human Action
Upd   Images Ludwig Von Mises - The Advocates
182x300 JPEG, color
Topic:  Nonviolent Resistance Opposition to statist and authoritarian forces using protests, non-cooperation and other nonviolent methods
Upd   Articles The Secret State
Details various events from the dismantling of the Office of Strategic Services after World War II to the 1991 death of Danny Casolaro, which Oglesby said are reason to be worried about "a secret and invisible state within the public state"
27 Jun 2024
Place:  Brazil Territory in eastern South America, ruled since 1988 by the República Federativa do Brasil
Upd   Articles Farm Subsidies Must Go
Discusses the U.S. response to a World Trade Organization ruling on a Brazilian complaint that U.S. subsidies to cotton farmers violate WTO rules
Upd     Along Pennsylvania Avenue
Discusses (a) the world outlook after the 1954 Paris agreements, expressing hope "prospects for continued peace" and (b) the rise in coffee prices, pointing the finger at the Brazilian and U.S. governments
Individual:  Eisenhower, Dwight D. Thirty-fourth President of the United States
Upd   Articles Along Pennsylvania Avenue
Discusses (a) the world outlook after the 1954 Paris agreements, expressing hope "prospects for continued peace" and (b) the rise in coffee prices, pointing the finger at the Brazilian and U.S. governments
Topic:  Farming The business of agriculture
Upd   Articles Farm Subsidies Must Go
Discusses the U.S. response to a World Trade Organization ruling on a Brazilian complaint that U.S. subsidies to cotton farmers violate WTO rules
Upd Group:  Foundation for Economic Education One of the oldest free-market organizations in the U.S., founded in 1946 to study and advance the freedom philosophy
Place:  Germany Territory in north central Europe, ruled since 1990 by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Upd   Articles Along Pennsylvania Avenue
Discusses (a) the world outlook after the 1954 Paris agreements, expressing hope "prospects for continued peace" and (b) the rise in coffee prices, pointing the finger at the Brazilian and U.S. governments
Topic:  Labor Human physical and mental skills available to produce goods and services
Upd   Articles The Great Lie of Modern Unions
Details the history of labor organizing, from the Knights of Labor in 1869 to the 1935 Wagner Act
Individual:  McElroy, Wendy Author, individualist feminist
Upd   Writings The Great Lie of Modern Unions
Details the history of labor organizing, from the Knights of Labor in 1869 to the 1935 Wagner Act
Topic:  Monopoly Exclusive control by someone or some group of the means of producing or selling a good or service
Upd   Articles The Great Lie of Modern Unions
Details the history of labor organizing, from the Knights of Labor in 1869 to the 1935 Wagner Act
New Source:  No Treason. No. 1. Essay by Lysander Spooner, commenting on government by consent, published by himself in 1867
Individual:  Richman, Sheldon Executive editor of The Libertarian Institute, former editor of The Freeman and former vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation
Upd   Writings Farm Subsidies Must Go
Discusses the U.S. response to a World Trade Organization ruling on a Brazilian complaint that U.S. subsidies to cotton farmers violate WTO rules
Individual:  Rothbard, Murray N. Economist of the Austrian School, author of For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
Upd   Writings Along Pennsylvania Avenue
Discusses (a) the world outlook after the 1954 Paris agreements, expressing hope "prospects for continued peace" and (b) the rise in coffee prices, pointing the finger at the Brazilian and U.S. governments
Topic:  Unemployment The state of not being engaged in a gainful occupation
Upd   Articles The Great Lie of Modern Unions
Details the history of labor organizing, from the Knights of Labor in 1869 to the 1935 Wagner Act
Topic:  World War I The "Great War", European conflict from 1914 to 1918 that extended to include the United States and some Asian and African nations
Upd   Articles The Great Lie of Modern Unions
Details the history of labor organizing, from the Knights of Labor in 1869 to the 1935 Wagner Act