Summary of topics removed from the directory
The following topics once had a full page in the Freedom Circle directory. However, they were removed for lack of interest, insufficient information or similar reason. Please use the Contact form if you believe one of these pages should be reinstated.
- 5-Loxin - Extract from Boswellia serrata with anti-inflammatory properties
- Activist Groups - Associations of individuals that attempt to influence governments or society in general
- Adams, Charles - Attorney, tax historian and author
- Aerobic Exercise - Walking, running, swimming: increases respiration and heart rate
- Alpha-GPC - An acetylcholine precursor derived from soy lecithin
- Alpha-Linolenic acid - An omega-3 fatty acid found in certain plant oils
- Alzheimer's Disease - Degenerative disease of the brain characterized by loss of cognitive ability
- America: Freedom to Fascism - 2005 documentary about the U.S. Federal Reserve and the federal income tax
- Amino Acids - The building blocks of proteins
- Anatomy - The study of the structure and parts of the body
- Antioxidants - Substances that prevent damage caused by free radicals
- Anti-statism - Opposition to the State
- Athletes - Professional or amateur sportsmen and sportswomen
- Atkins Diet - Low carbohydrate diet proposed by Dr. Robert Atkins
- Ballot Access - Laws and rules defining requirements for putting candidates on a ballot
- Baloo - Pen-name of political cartoonist Rex F. May
- Bennett, James T. - Professor of economics and author
- Bidwell, Robert - Business management and turnaround specialist, author, professor
- Bieser, Scott - American comics illustrator and writer
- Biology - The study of living organisms
- Biotin - Water-soluble member of the B-vitamin complex
- Bisson, Ken - Physician, libertarian activist, organizer of Freedom Cruises
- Boswellia - Boswellia serrata, a tree of the frankincense family
- Brain - The organ of thought, coordinates and regulates bodily activities
- Buckstein, Steve - Founder and President of the Cascade Policy Institute
- Burg, Bob - Motivational speaker and author of Winning Without Intimidation
- Calcium - Symbol Ca, element number 20. Most abundant mineral in the body
- Calorie Restriction - Regimen of eating fewer calories to extend human life span
- Campaign Finance - The practices of funding political campaigns
- Cardiovascular Diseases - Disorders affecting the heart and the blood vessels
- Cardiovascular System - The heart and vessels that transport blood
- Carnosine - A dipeptide consisting of the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine
- Carpenter, Ted Galen - Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute
- Cartoonists - Artists who create humorous, satirical or informative drawings
- Chromium - Symbol Cr, element number 24. Trace mineral involved in glucose metabolism
- Cloud, Michael - Libertarian speechwriter and fundraiser, 2002 U.S. Senate candidate from Massachusetts
- Coenzyme Q10 - CoQ10, ubiquinone, ubidecarerone
- Conferences - Conferences, conventions and other periodic meetings
- Conjugated linoleic acid - Nutrient found in beef and dairy products
- Cruises - Sea voyages for pleasure
- Dell, Michael - Founder and chairman of Dell, Inc.
- D-Glucarate - Phytoextract found in some fruits and vegetables, may have cancer preventive properties
- DHEA - Dehydroepiandrosterone. A hormone produced by the adrenal glands
- Diabetes - Chronic metabolic disorder associated with reduced insulin levels, a hormone produced by the pancreas
- Dicots - The Magnoliopsida class (botanical classification) of flowering plants whose seeds have two cotyledons
- Dieting - Eating sparingly for health reasons, particularly to lose weight
- Digestive Diseases - Disorders of the digestive organs
- Digestive System - Organs involved in the digestion and assimilation of food
- Directors and Producers - Film, TV and stage directors, producers and other crew
- Diseases - Conditions of the body or its parts where normal functioning is impaired
- Dixon, Michael - Management consultant, national chair of the U.S. Libertarian Party (2004- )
- Docosahexaenoic acid - An omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil
- Eicosapentaenoic acid - An omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil
- Ellagic Acid - Phenolic compound found in red raspberries, strawberries and other fruits
- Endocrine System - Thyroid, pituitary and other glands that produce hormones
- Environmental - Organizations that study conservation, ecology and other environmental issues
- Essential Fatty Acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6 EFAs
- Evoy, Ken - President and CEO of SiteSell Inc., creator of Site Build It! web business system
- Exercise - Physical activity to maintain or improve health
- Fencing - The sport of fighting with swords (foils, épees or sabers)
- Flavonoids - Class of water-soluble plant pigments, such as isoflavones and anthocyanidins
- Folate - Folic acid, member of the B-complex
- Foudy, Michael - Host of "America The Beautiful" and co-host of "Newsmaker" radio talk shows
- Frezza, Bill - Founder and President of Wireless Computing Associates, General Partner in Adams Capital Management
- Fuhrig, Joseph - Professor of Economics and Finance at Golden Gate University
- Gamma-Linolenic acid - An omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid found in some plant seed oils
- Garlic - Allium sativum, a bulbous herb of the onion family
- Garvey, Olive W. - American businesswoman, chairman of the board of Garvey, Inc.
- Garvin, Glenn - The Miami Herald television critic, past contributing editor to Reason
- Glutathione - Antioxidant, peptide of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine
- Heart - The muscular organ that pumps blood through the body
- Herbs - Plants or plant parts used for medicinal purposes
- Hormones - Substances involved in the regulation of cellular and bodily functions
- Humorists - Experts at satire and witticism
- Indole-3-carbinol - Phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables
- Johnson, Charles W. - Web developer, left-libertarian writer, co-editor of Markets Not Capitalism (2011)
- Jones, Reginald G. - Founder of The Reggitainment Group, host of "Generation Now" radio program
- Jongen, Hubert - President of Libertarian International and Libertarisch Centrum
- Knapp, Thomas L. - Publisher of Rational Review
- Krawchuk, Kenneth V. - Computer programmer, inventor, IT consultant, candidate for Pennsylvania Governor
- Lactoferrin - Glycoprotein isolated in cows milk, found in human mothers milk
- Lark, Jim - Libertarian National Committee Chair 2000-2002, college campus organizer
- Law Enforcement - Sheriffs and police officers
- Leef, George - Director of research at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, former professor at Northwood University
- Lester, Jan Clifford - British professor of philosophy
- Lorenz, Douglas - Former Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, founder of Lorenz Technologies
- Magicians - Prestidigitators and illusionists
- Marshall, Paul - American singer, guitar/bass player and songwriter
- Masters, William S. - Sheriff of San Miguel County, Colorado
- McPherson, Scott - Policy Advisor to the Future of Freedom Foundation
- Melatonin - A hormone produced by the pineal gland
- Mercer, Ilana - Freelance columnist, author of Broad Sides
- Methuselah Mouse Prize - Awarded by the Methuselah Foundation to recognize technologies that slow or reverse the aging process
- Michael, Terry - Founder and executive director of the Washington Center for Politics & Journalism
- Milsted, Carl - Physicist, author, libertarian theoretical activist (self-described)
- Minerals - Inorganic substances needed in small amounts for health and growth
- Molecular Medicine - The diagnosis and treatment of disease at the molecular level
- Monocots - The Liliopsida class (botanical classification) of flowering plants whose seeds have one cotyledon
- Moore, Carol - Libertarian activist, speaker and writer
- Multi-Nutrient Formulas - Supplement formulations containing several nutrients
- Multivitamin Supplements - Supplements containing several vitamins and other nutrients
- Muscular System - The muscles of the body
- Musicians - Composers, singers or performers of music and songs
- National Tax Limitation Committee - Aims to limit and control taxes and spending at all levels of government
- Nervous System - The brain, spinal cord and the nerves
- Neurological Diseases - Disorders affecting the nervous system
- Nexrutine - Extract from the phellodendron tree with anti-inflammatory properties
- Niacin - Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid
- Nutrients - Substances that promote growth in living organisms
- Pantothenic acid - Vitamin B5
- Perilla - Perilla frutescens, an herb of the mint family
- Perilla Oil - Oil derived from the seeds of the Perilla frutescens
- Phellodendron - Phellodendron amurense, cork tree, of the Rue family
- Phillies, George - Professor of physics, 2008 Libertarian Party presidential aspirant
- Phosphatidylserine - A phospolipid that is part of cell membranes
- Plant Oils - Oils extracted from vegetable seeds and other plant parts
- Plants - Plantae or the Plant kingdom, the biological classification that includes ferns, flowers and trees
- Plants, Flowering - The Magnoliophyta division (botanical classification) of plants that produce seeds through their flowers
- Political Action
- Ponte, Lowell - Co-host of "The Wise Guys" radio show on Genesis Communications
- Pregnenolone - Steroid found in animal tissues, precursor to various hormones
- Prodos - Originator of the Walk for Capitalism
- Prodos Institute, Inc., The - Dedicated to the advancement of global freedom, invention and prosperity
- Prostate Cancer - Cancer affecting the male prostate gland
- Proteins - Large molecules composed of amino acids, essential elements in cells and tissues
- Quercetin - Flavonol present in onions, red wine, green tea
- Radio Hosts - Broadcast radio talk show, DJ and other hosts
- Rand, Carole Ann - Second president of the Advocates for Self-Government
- Reason Public Policy Institute - Promotes choice, competition, and a dynamic market economy
- Reproductive Diseases - Disorders affecting the reproductive organs
- Reproductive System - The organs involved in sexual reproduction
- Resorts - Destinations known for its leisure and recreational facilities
- Respiratory System - The lungs and organs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Resveratrol - Phytochemical found in grapevines and other plants
- Riboflavin - Vitamin B2
- Selenium - Symbol Se, element number 34. Inhibits fat oxidation
- Shelton, Mike - Editorial cartoonist for the Orange County Register
- Simmons, Randy T. - Political science professor, Mayor of Providence, Utah
- Skeletal System - The bones, cartilage and joints
- Societal Solutions - Solutions to problems that are agreed upon voluntarily by the individuals involved
- Software Engineers - Designers, implementers and testers of computer software
- Soos, Troy - American writer, author of the Mickey Rawlings historical baseball mysteries
- Spindler, Stephen R. - Professor of biochemistry at University of California, Riverside
- Stone, Willis - Chair of the Liberty Amendment Committee, publisher of American Progress magazine
- Suprynowicz, Vin - Assistant Editorial Page Editor at the Las Vegas Review-Journal, syndicated columnist
- Tafel, Richard - Past Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans
- Tax Reform - Organizations that attempt to reform or repeal tax laws
- Testosterone - The principal male sex hormone
- Theanine - Gamma-glutamylethylamide, L-theanine, amino acid found in tea
- Thiamine - Vitamin B1
- Trimethylglycine - Betaine, quaternary ammonium salt found in sugar beets
- Vassilaros, Dimitri - Editorial page columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
- Vinpocetine - Semi-synthetic derivative of the periwinkle plant
- Vitamin A - Retinol, retinoic acid
- Vitamin B12 - Cobalamin
- Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid
- Vitamin D - Calciferol, cholecalciferol
- Vitamin E - Alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocopherols and tocotrienols
- Vitamins - Organic substances essential to human health
- Walker, Johnny - Guitarist and vocalist for the blues group Soledad Brothers
- Waters, Robert A. - Gun rights advocate
- Williams, Larry - Commodities trader, publisher of Commodity Timing
- Wilson, Brian M. - Radio talk show host, author
- Wohler, Will - President and founder of Wohler Technologies, Inc.
- Wrestling - Greco-roman, freestyle, sumo, judo
- Young, Joe - Guitarist for ANTiSEEN
- Zinc - Symbol Zn, element number 30. Essential nutrient for growth and immunity