Man, Economy, and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles is an economics treatise authored by Murray Rothbard. It was commissioned by the William Volker Fund and was published in 1962 in two volumes by D. Van Nostrand Company. It presents economics from an Austrian School perspective.
Back in the early 1960's, the feisty Austrian economist Murray Rothbard set out to demonstrate the awesome underlying logic of free markets. In this grand-scale work, he shows why markets provide for human needs far more effectively than any other social system ever devised without the unfortunate disadvantages of government, like taxes, slavery, famine and war. He explains why free markets create unlimited numbers of jobs, provide phenomenal abundance, relentlessly cut costs, and enable people to achieve peace of mind.
"An epochal contribution to the general science of human action."
—Ludwig von Mises
"It is in fact the most important general treatise on economic principles since Ludwig von Mises' Human Action."
—Henry Hazlitt
"Only on extremely rare occasions do I have the opportunity to praise a work without reservations. This book is happily one such occasion. From the standpoint of truth, it is the greatest work ever published in economic thought ... one marvels at the ease which he communicates even the most difficult and complex economic concepts.
"This is also more than a work on economic principles—it is a searching analysis of the principles of a free society itself, focusing on the nature of [property rights](/topic/property-rights], of voluntary exchange, on production and its nature, of money, on monopoly and competition, and analyzing the effects of government intervention into the purely free market ... A true masterwork of our time." —Roy A. Childs, Jr.
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