The Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) is a United States national jury education organization, incorporated in the state of Montana as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. FIJA works to educate all citizens on their authority when they serve as jurors. FIJA educates the public, provides commentary on current jury-related cases, and assists defendants with jury authority strategies—including the right to veto bad laws and the misapplication of laws—by refusing to convict the defendant. The organization was formed in the summer of 1989 by Larry Dodge, a Montana businessman, and his friend Don Doig. They formed FIJA following discussions about forming such a group at the National Libertarian Party convention in Philadelphia in 1989.
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Sections include FAQ, glossary of legal terms, Behind Closed Doors podcast, speakers bureau and resources
FIJA Outreach, by Pete Eyre, The Motorhome Diaries, 5 Apr 2009
While waiting to distribute FIJA pamphlets in front of the Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH, Sam explains jury nullification
Kirsten Tynan on the Fully Informed Jury Association, by Kirsten Tynan, The Motorhome Diaries, 12 Oct 2009
Kirsten explains the rights and responsibilities of a juror
The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Fully Informed Jury Association" as of 8 Aug 2017, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.