Formal or informal associations of human beings, usually in pursuit of some common goal
Featured Groups
- Libertarian Futurist Society - Organization for fans of libertarian science fiction
- Libertarian Party - Political party founded in 1971 to advocate for libertarian issues in the United States
- Liberty Fund - Educational foundation founded in 1960 by Pierre F. Goodrich
- Liberty International - Formerly International Society for Individual Liberty, "advances world liberty for everyone through international education and networking"
Notable Groups
- Laissez Faire Books - Libertarian bookstore, founded in 1972 in New York City, now online and owned by Agora Financial
- Libertarian Associations - Clubs, associations and other non-political organizations aimed at spreading libertarianism
Other Groups
- Liberal Democratic Party - Australian political party, standing for greater freedom, smaller government and personal responsibility
- Liberal Libertario, Partido - Argentine political party promoting individual rights, free markets and non-aggression
- Libertad, FundaciĆ³n - Rosario, Argentina
- Libertad y Democracia, Instituto - Assists developing nations in transitioning to market economies
- Libertad y Desarrollo - Las Condes, Chile
- Libertair, Direct, Democratisch - Flemish political party, motto: "free and responsible"
- Libertarian International - Network of liberty-minded individuals and organizations
- Libertarian Party - United Kingdom libertarian party
- Libertarian Party Rothbard Caucus - Libertarian Party interest group inspired by Murray Rothbard
- Libertarianz - Polical party in New Zealand, promoting a libertarian form of government
- Libertarijanski klub (Libek) - Serbian libertarian club aimed at creating liberty friendly environment through education and policy work
- Libertario, Partido - Spanish political party, aims to attain the highest levels of freedom for individuals
- Libertarische Partij - Dutch political party, following libertarian ideals
- Los Angeles County, Libertarian Party of - California
- Louisiana, Libertarian Party of - Louisiana state affiliate of the Libertarian Party