- J. Neil Schulman
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American science fiction writer, winner of Prometheus Best Novel and Hall of Fame awards
Joseph Neil Schulman (16 April 1953-10 August 2019) was an American novelist who wrote Alongside Night (published 1979) and The Rainbow Cadenza (published 1983) which both received the Prometheus Award, a libertarian science fiction award. His third novel, Escape from Heaven, was also a finalist for the 2002 Prometheus Award. His fourth and last novel, The Fractal Man, was a finalist for the 2019 Prometheus Award.
Awards Received
1984 Prometheus Best Novel Award, by Libertarian Futurist Society, Prometheus Best Novel Award
For The Rainbow Cadenza
For The Rainbow Cadenza
1989 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award, by Libertarian Futurist Society, Prometheus Hall of Fame Award
For Alongside Night
For Alongside Night
Eris Society, 1998
The World According to J. Neil Schulman
Personal website, section of (Schulman's publishing company); includes links to his books, movies, blog and other related sites
Personal website, section of (Schulman's publishing company); includes links to his books, movies, blog and other related sites
Web Pages
About J. Neil Schulman
Lengthy autobiographical page, including information about his books, movies, and related media
Lengthy autobiographical page, including information about his books, movies, and related media
J. NEIL SCHULMAN is a novelist, journalist, screenwriter, filmmaker, publisher, radio personality, composer, actor, and unemployed prophet. He's the author of twenty-one books (including break-outs, audiobooks, and a graphic novel) and including two award-winning novels, Alongside Night and The Rainbow Cadenza, short fiction, nonfiction, and screenwritings ... He adapted and directed Alongside Night as a 2014 feature film ... The novel's movie edition of his classic Prometheus-Hall-of-Fame novel — lauded by Anthony Burgess, Milton Friedman, and Ron Paul — has been joined by a graphic novel ...
Advocates for Self-Government - Libertarian Education: J. Neil Schulman - Libertarian
Includes picture, biographical summary and quote
Includes picture, biographical summary and quote
J. Neil Schulman is the author of two award-winning science fiction novels, as well as libertarian non-fiction, short fiction, and screenplays. His 1979 novel Alongside Night was praised by the likes of Anthony Burgess, Milton Friedman, Poul Anderson, and Dr. Thomas Szasz (who said it "ought to be ... the Atlas Shrugged of the '80's") and in 1989 was entered into the Prometheus Society Hall of Fame for outstanding science fiction. His 1984 novel The Rainbow Cadenza won the Prometheus Award for that year, and was praised by science fiction giant Robert Heinlein, Nathaniel Brandon, and Colin Wilson.
Related Topic: Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Robert A. Heinlein's Soaring Spirit of Liberty, by Jim Powell, The Freeman, Jul 1997
Biographical essay, including multiple quotes from fellow authors and significant excerpts from Heinlein's novels and stories
Biographical essay, including multiple quotes from fellow authors and significant excerpts from Heinlein's novels and stories
Author J. Neil Schulman spoke for many when he confided that "If Robert Heinlein hadn't written the books he wrote, and I hadn't read them, I doubt very much that I would have had the intellectual background necessary to climb out of the hole I was in between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. He wrote about futures that were worth living for. He wrote about talented people who felt life was worth living and made it worth living, no matter what the breaks that fell their way. His characters never had an easy time of it, but they persevered."
Dubya and Dubai, Rational Review, 22 Feb 2006
Commentary on the Dubai Ports World deal and related maneuvers by the Bush administration
Commentary on the Dubai Ports World deal and related maneuvers by the Bush administration
Here's what I think is going on with the Dubai Ports World deal to operate five American ports. United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in the Middle East right now ... I am extremely unhappy with President Bush and his major cabinet secretaries for their ham-handedness, their "father knows best" arrogance toward the American people, and their unwillingness to admit that there are serious risks to our national security no matter how carefully they think our bureaucracies at the State Department, the Commerce Department, the Homeland Security Department and the CIA have vetted this deal.
Why this libertarian is voting to re-elect George W. Bush, 21 Oct 2004
Explains Schulman's rationale for casting a vote for Bush in the 2004 presidential election
Explains Schulman's rationale for casting a vote for Bush in the 2004 presidential election
I've called myself a libertarian since January 10, 1971, when my mother, a diehard New York Sunday Times crossword-doer, said to me, "Hey your favorite author's picture is in the Times Magazine." I rushed over and sure enough there was Robert A. Heinlein's picture illustrating an article entitled "The New Right Credo—Libertarianism" ... Bush is not the best of all libertarian candidates in some theoretical contest where actually having to be president doesn't count, but compared to John F. Kerry, George W. Bush is without question the more libertarian of the two presidents we will end up with.
Books Authored
Alongside Night, 1979
1989 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award; 27 numbered chapters in three parts; 1999 edition includes additional essays by Schulman, Samuel Konkin, J. Kent Hastings and others
1989 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award; 27 numbered chapters in three parts; 1999 edition includes additional essays by Schulman, Samuel Konkin, J. Kent Hastings and others
- ISBN 0517539233: Hardcover, Random House Value Publishing, 1988
- ISBN 0380752816: Paperback, HarperCollins, 1987
- ISBN 0441017681: Paperback, Ace Books, 1982
- ISBN 1584451203: Paperback,, 1999
The Rainbow Cadenza: A Novel in Logosata Form, 1983
1984 Prometheus Award winner; contents: I. 3800Å to 4100Å - II. 4200Å to 4500Å - III. 4600Å to 4900Å - IV. 500Å0 to 5500Å - V. 5600Å to 5900Å - VI. 600Å0 to 6300Å - VII. 6400Å to 7600Å - VII. 2970Å
1984 Prometheus Award winner; contents: I. 3800Å to 4100Å - II. 4200Å to 4500Å - III. 4600Å to 4900Å - IV. 500Å0 to 5500Å - V. 5600Å to 5900Å - VI. 600Å0 to 6300Å - VII. 6400Å to 7600Å - VII. 2970Å
- ISBN 0671420038: Hardcover, Simon & Schuster, 1983
- ISBN 0380751232: Paperback, HarperCollins, 1986
- ISBN 1584451238: Paperback,, 1999
Alongside Night Author J Neil Schulman sat down with MHD in Las Vegas, by Pete Eyre, J. Neil Schulman, 1 May 2009
Schulman discusses agorism, countereconomics, Sam Konkin, Alongside Night and his current projects based on the latter
The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "J. Neil Schulman" as of 17 Mar 2020, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.