Human beings, each considered as a single actor within society
Featured Individuals
- Wilder Lane, Rose (1886-1968) - American journalist, author of The Discovery of Freedom
- Wilson, Robert Anton (1932-2007) - Science fiction author, winner of the 1986 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award
Notable Individuals
- Walter, Dave - Co-founder of the Society for Individual Liberty
- Warren, Josiah (1798-1874) - Nineteenth century American anarchist, founder of the Modern Times colony (now Brentwood, New York)
- Washington, George (1732-1799) - First president of the United States
- Watts, V. Orval (1898-1993) - 20th century Canadian-born economist
- West, E. G. (1922-2001) - 20th century British professor of economics
- Williams, Walter E. (1936-2020) - Professor of Economics, author, syndicated columnist
- Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) - Twenty-eighth president of the United States
- Wollstein, Jarret - Author, co-founder of Society for Individual Liberty
Other Individuals
- Waley, Arthur (1889-1966) - English sinologist noted for his translations of Chinese and Japanese classics
- Walker, Jesse (1970- ) - Managing editor of Reason magazine
- Walker, Jimmie (1947- ) - Actor and comedian, famous for the phrase "Dyn-o-mite!"
- Wallace, Henry (1888-1965) - Politician, vice president of the United States (1941-1945)
- Wallas, Graham (1858-1932) - English political scientist, co-founder of the London School of Economics
- Waller, Robert James (1939-2017) - American novelist, author of bestseller The Bridges of Madison County
- Walras, Léon (1834-1910) - Nineteenth century French economist
- Walter, Francis E. (1894-1963) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania (1933-1963)
- Wáng Bì (王弼; 226-249) - Chinese philosopher known for his commentaries on the Dào Dé Jīng and the Yì Jīng
- Ward, Lester Frank (1841-1913) - American sociologist, first president of the American Sociological Association
- Warren, Earl (1891-1974) - Politician, Chief Justice of the United States (1953-1969), governor of California (1943-1953)
- Washington, Booker T. (1856-1915) - 19th/20th century African American teacher
- Watner, Carl (1948-2020) - Author and historian, editor of The Voluntaryist newsletter
- Wayne, John (1907-1979) - The "Duke": American actor, Oscar winner for True Grit
- Weaver, Henry Grady (1889-1949) - Director of customer research for General Motors during the early 20th century
- Weaving, Hugo (1960- ) - Film and stage actor, known for The Matrix, V for Vendetta, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit
- Webb, Beatrice (1858-1943) - English social reformer, member of the Fabian Society and co-founder of the London School of Economics
- Webb, Sidney (1859-1947) - English economist, member of the Fabian Society and co-founder of the London School of Economics
- Weber, Max (1864-1920) - 19th/20th century German sociologist
- Webster, Daniel (1782-1852) - Nineteenth century American politician, noted for his oratory skills
- Weir, Peter (1944- ) - Australian film director noted for Gallipoli, Dead Poets Society and The Truman Show
- Welch, Matt (1968- ) - Editor in Chief of Reason magazine
- Welles Jr., Samuel Gardner (1913-1981) - American journalist, editor and correspondent for Time and Life magazines
- Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1852) - First Duke of Wellington, British general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
- Welles, Orson (1915-1985) - American stage, film and radio actor, known for his The War of the Worlds broadcast
- Werdel, Thomas H. (1905-1966) - Politician, member of the United States House of Representatives from California (1949-1953)
- West, Rebecca (1892-1983) - English writer, noted for coverage of the Nuremberg trials
- Wheaton, Wil (1972- ) - Film and TV actor, played Wesley Crusher in "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
- Wheeler, Jack (1943- ) - American adventurer, author of The Adventurer's Guide and founder of the Freedom Research Foundation
- Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) - Poet, author of Leaves of Grass (1855) and "O Captain! My Captain!"
- Whyte, William H. (1917-1999) - American urban planner, author of The Organization Man (1956)
- Wicksell, Knut (1851-1926) - 19th/20th century Swedish economist
- Wieser, Friedrich von (1851-1926) - Austrian economist, followed Carl Menger as professor at the University of Vienna
- Wile, Anthony - Entrepreneur, founder of and PharmaCielo Ltd.
- Wiley, Alexander (1884-1967) - Politician, United States senator from Wisconsin (1939-1963)
- William III (1650-1702) - King of England, Scotland and Ireland (1689-1702)
- Williams, Evan (1972- ) - Creator of the Blogger weblog publishing service
- Williams, G. Mennen (1911-1988) - Politician, governor of Michigan (1949-1961)
- Williams, Robert F. (1925-1996) - Civil rights leader, author of Negroes with Guns (1962)
- Williams, Roger (1603-1683) - English clergyman, founder of the Providence Plantations
- Williams, Samuel Wells (1812-1884) - American sinologist, compiler of A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language (1874)
- Willkie, Wendell (1892-1944) - Politician, Republican Party presidential candidate in 1940
- Wilson, Charles Erwin (1890-1961) - American businessman, executive at General Motors (1941-1953) and U.S. Secretary of Defense (1953-1957)
- Wilson, F. Paul (1946- ) - American science fiction author, winner of the 1979 Prometheus Award
- Winger, Richard (1943- ) - Editor and publisher of Ballot Access News, expert on ballot access legal issues
- Wise, Robert (1914-2005) - American movie director, producer and editor
- Wolfe, Tom (1930-2018) - American journalist and novelist, author of The Bonfire of the Vanities (1987)
- Wolf, Naomi (1962- ) - American author and political consultant
- Wood, Natalie (1938-1981) - American movie actress, portrayed Maria in the West Side Story film
- Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941) - English writer, author of A Room of One's Own (1929)
- Wootton, Barbara (1897-1988) - English sociologist, member of the House of Lords (1958-1988)
- Worthy, William (1921-2014) - Journalist and civil rights activist
- Wright, Elizur (1804-1885) - American abolitionist and life insurance reformer
- Wright, Fielding (1895-1956) - Politician, governor of Mississippi (1946-1952)
- Wú Chéng (吳澄; 1249-1333) - Chinese Neo-Confucian philosopher who wrote commentaries on many of the Chinese classics