Arianna Huffington, Racial Profiler, by
Justin Raimondo, 24 Feb 2006
Criticizes Huffington on her 22 Feb 2006 post titled "Dubious About Dubai: Cutting to the Heart of Bush's National Security Hypocrisy" about the Dubai Ports World debate
As the fastest growing city in the world, and a free port where visas are no problem and the free market reigns supreme, Dubai is the financial and industrial hub not only of the Persian Gulf but also of much of the Middle East. With a per capita income of over $20,000, and corporate offices of Ford, Johnson & Johnson, MSD, FedEx, ExxonMobil, CMS Energy, Microsoft, Motorola, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Electric, ... and General Dynamics ensconced in its gleaming ultra-modern skyscrapers, Dubai is the logistical hub of just about every sort of human activity in that part of the globe. It is the Manhattan of the Arab world ...
The Dubai Ports Issue Is Really Wal-Mart and Toyota All Over Again, by William Marina, 23 Feb 2006
A coalition of Democrats ... joined Republican Senate leader ... as well as Christian conservatives ... see Dubai's acquisition of P&O's port concessions as a threat to American security. ... Bush's 'War on Terror' having cried 'wolf' everywhere, including Saddam's Iraq, is now having the issue come back to 'bite the President in the rear.'
Dubya and Dubai, by
J. Neil Schulman,
Rational Review, 22 Feb 2006
Commentary on the Dubai Ports World deal and related maneuvers by the Bush administration
But overall, its clear to me that (a) the $7 billion dollar deal to the benefit of the government of Dubai is the typical sort of baksheesh that the United States makes to foreign governments we need as strategic allies, and (b) it's part of a long-term intelligence initiative. ... I'm still very uncomfortable with any foreign-based company, particularly one from a country whose monitoring of terrorist activities was shown to have failed on 9/11 when two of their nationals were among the 9/11 hijackers, with their secret funding flowing through Dubai banks — taking over operational control of our major seaports.
Hating Arabs, by
Justin Raimondo, 22 Feb 2006
Counters the criticism of the Dubai Ports World deal coming from both Democratic and Republican politicians, as well as pro-union sympathizers and Christian fundamentalists
Dubai is a city of over one million, a major financial and industrial center, and an increasingly popular international tourist attraction. ... Culturally, Dubai is the freest country in the Arab world. ... Indeed, Dubai is the one city in the Middle East that is the most like America in that it is a symbol – the symbol – of the Arab world's entry into modernity. The architecture of Dubai is a vision of futurity, and there are few urban centers in the U.S. that are cleaner or safer. ... Dubai is the major financial nexus of the Arab world, and, indeed, is right up there with any city in the West in that regard ...
Ports and Political Hypocrisy, by Xon Hostetter, 25 Feb 2006
Discusses the controversy over the pending acquisition of six U.S. ports by Dubai Ports World (now DP World) as part of their purchase of the British firm P&0 (Note: the transaction was later blocked by the U.S. Congress and DP sold them to AIG)
This is not to naïvely dismiss any suggestion that Dubai Ports, or other companies with direct ties to an emirate government, hasn’t profited from any funny business. It probably has. ... And the bottom line is this: Dubai Ports, whatever its precise composition with respect to the Dubai government, is a competitive port-operating corporation. From our perspective as those whose ports are being managed, we should be glad to see such an efficient company with such vast resources taking an interest in running our ports.
Saying Good-Bye to Dubai: Bidding Adieu to Globalization?, by Leon Hadar, 18 Mar 2006
Considering that Dubai is an model of American-style capitalism in the Middle East and a reliable trade and military partner of the US, Bobbitt would have found it difficult to conceive a scenario in which a company from Dubai would become the target of a nationalist campaign that in the name of national security was setting to close the American market to foreign trade and investment.