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Quarterly journal founded and edited (for its first six years) by Ralph Raico, published between 1961 and 1968
New Individualist Review

New Individualist Review was a libertarian publication founded by Ralph Raico while at the University of Chicago. It was first published in April 1961 and produced 17 issues until it ceased publication in 1968. Raico and other graduate students comprised the editorial board. Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman and later, economist George Stigler, were on the advisory board. In 1981, Friedman wrote that he believed the publication had "set an intellectual standard which has not yet, I believe, been matched by any of the more recent publications in the same philosophical tradition."


New Individualist Review: 1961-1968
    by Ronald Hamowy, The Conservative Press in Twentieth-Century America, 1999
Chapter in part six, "The Libertarian Press"; relates the history of the New Individualist Review focusing on the first six years under Ralph Raico as chief editor
In the fall of 1960, Ralph Raico, then a graduate working under F. A. Hayek at the University of Chicago, conceived the idea of starting an independent journal dedicated to promoting an open society and individual liberty. ... Hayek, Milton Friedman of the economics department, and Richard Weaver of the English department, agreed to serve as editorial advisers to the new review. ... In April 1961, the New Individualist Review was launched with Raico acting as editor in chief, Hamowy as book review editor, and McCarthy, Schuettinger, and Weicher as associate editors.

Publication Frequency

April 1961-Winter 1968

Staff and Associates

Ralph RaicoEditor, 1961-1966


How We Started "Liberty", by R. W. Bradford, Liberty, Sep 1992
Reflections on the fifth anniversary of publishing Liberty
I had been infected by the libertarian virus since 1963, when I encountered New Individualist Review. It was in its pages that I learned of the tension on the American Right between classical liberals (or libertarians) and traditionalists. Prior to that time, I took myself to be a conservative, in some sense. Now I knew exactly in what sense.
Ralph Raico, RIP, by Jim Powell, 16 Dec 2016
Memorial and biographical note, including short bibliography
Ralph started a quarterly student journal called New Individualist Review and served as editor-in-chief. Each issue featured about a half-dozen articles. The first issue appeared in April 1961. The lead article was "Capitalism and Freedom" by Milton Friedman. The second issue featured "Freedom and Coercion" by Hayek. And so it went, a cavalcade of scholarly stars, including three future Nobel Laureates. The authors included George Stigler, Yale Brozen, Karl Brunner, Henry Hazlitt, W.H. Hutt, David Levy, Walter Oi, Sam Peltzman, Wilhelm Roepke, B.R. Shenoy, Gordon Tullock, Joe Cobb, and E.G. West, in addition to Hayek and Friedman.
Related Topics: Circle Bastiat, Ralph Raico

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Ralph Raico" as of 4 Nov 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.