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Founder, President and CEO of The Independent Institute
David J. Theroux


1949, David Jon Theroux, in Lansing, Michigan


23 Apr 2022, in Oakland, California


Advocates for Self-Government, Board of Advisors
Independent Institute, Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer
Eris Society

Web Pages

David J. Theroux: The Independent Institute
Includes photograph, biographical summary and links to writings, events, audio and video
David J. Theroux is Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Institute and Publisher of The Independent Review. He received his B.S., A.B., and M.S. from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. ... books and films produced by Mr. Theroux have been the recipients of scores of awards ... He is Founder and President of the C.S. Lewis Society of California, and he was founding Vice President and Director of Academic Affairs for the Cato Institute and President of the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy.


Libertarian moment or movement?, by Michael A. Glueck, Robert J. Cihak, 24 Jan 2003
Presents the views of Robert Higgs and David Theroux, two months before the 2003 Iraq invasion, as to whether the libertarian movement can have "a major role to play in post-9/11 America"
Independent Institute president David Theroux holds that "The penetration of our analysis is being enhanced. People find the points we're raising are very telling, and we're addressing issues others aren't." Theroux goes on: "The Achilles heel of the whole system is trust in government ..." ... Theroux concedes that "libertarians have not been sensitive to the views of others, not trying to communicate ideas that make sense in a respectful way. Too often, they just try to provoke people. Ideas have to be picked up in a discreet way. Everybody won't get it at once. The key is how you build bridges."


The New U.S. War on Liberty, by David J. Theroux, Karen De Coster, 22 Jan 2002
De Coster introduces a critical analysis, by Theroux, of the War in Afghanistan and the War on Terrorism
For four months now, we have been inundated with some incredibly absurd thinking on the necessities of the current war. From the neocons to the democratic-left to the reputed libertarians, we see much conjecture on the need for an all-out assault on tiny little Afghanistan, whose mere existence is purported to be a threat to [our] way of life ... So the overall message is, step up and buy the government's propaganda, and choose war and foreign entanglements, or be ostracized. To the neocons and their supporters we ostracized folks say: sorry, we don't buy your hysterical propaganda and we don't endorse your Statist War Machine, either.
Related Topics: Afghanistan, Government, Ron Paul
The Tragedy of the Commons, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 12 Jun 1994
Argues for privatization of lands owned by the United States federal government, citing the benefits of private management, the disadvantages of bureaucratic control and providing examples of enviromental groups managing private reserves
Throughout the former Soviet bloc, stewardship of the environment can be found in entire regions of land, vast bodies of water, and air in general that was systematically poisoned, with people used as guinea pigs for nuclear testing and all other manner of toxic horrors. But this 'tragedy of the commons' exists wherever private property rights over natural resources are prohibited—even in the United States. ... Likewise, if some federal lands became the property of environmental groups, they might come to learn that roping off property isn't always the best approach to keeping it and wildlife boundaries healthy.
Related Topics: Bureaucracy, Private Property
Your Money or Your Life: Tackling Rising Costs in Health Care, 19 Jan 1984
Discusses the trend of rising healh care costs and attributes it to regulation, particularly licensing, and the proliferation of third-party payers, both Medicare and Medicaid as well as group insurance plans
Americans spend more than 10 percent of the yearly gross national product on health care—nearly $1,500 for every U.S. resident. Since 1975, total health care spending has more than doubled. The cost rose 11.9 percent in 1982 ... While life itself may be priceless, it is possible to assign a cost to its upkeep ...
The ultimate solution to overpriced health-care services is deregulation and tax reform that would foster competition in the health-care industry. Competition is the only real ally we have in the fight against the high cost of living—and the high cost of staying alive.


An Interview With David Theroux, Strike The Root, 2 Sep 2003
Topics discussed include: the Independent Institute, Theroux's life before founding it, possible connection to Thoreau, the Vietnam War, his heroes and influencers, activism, September 11 and book recommendations
What is the mission of The Independent Institute, and what does it do to achieve that mission?
The Independent Institute is a non-partisan, scholarly, public policy research and educational organization that conducts peer-reviewed studies of major economic, social, legal, and environmental issues ... Our mission is to win the war of ideas ...
What do you like to do when you’re not working at the Institute?
Aside from plotting the demise of statism, my favorite pastimes are reading, swimming, travel, good food, films and music, and spending time with family and friends.