Examines various economic propositions for anarchism (socialist, communist, individualist and mutualist) and opines that all could be tried out; reprinted in Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre (New York: Mother Earth, 1914), 96-117
Mutualism is an anarchist school of thought and anti-capitalist market and socialist economic theory that advocates for workers' control of the means of production, a market economy made up of individual artisans and workers' cooperatives, and occupation and use property rights. As proponents of the labor theory of value and labor theory of property, mutualists oppose all forms of economic rent, profit and non-nominal interest, which they see as relying on the exploitation of labor. Mutualists seek to construct an economy without capital accumulation or concentration of land ownership. They also encourage the establishment of workers' self-management, which they propose could be supported through the issuance of mutual credit by mutual banks, with the aim of creating a federal society.
Examines various economic propositions for anarchism (socialist, communist, individualist and mutualist) and opines that all could be tried out; reprinted in Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre (New York: Mother Earth, 1914), 96-117
Argues against George W. Bush's proposal to give taxpayers' money to religious organizations, rather than ending similar subsidies to secular groups
Topic discussed include: mutualism in theory and practice, worker cooperatives and credit unions, small-scale manufacturing, Henry George, worker-managed firms, Lockean land ownership concepts, labor theory of value and political coalitions
... Mutualist practices (friendly societies and lodges, guilds, arrangements for mutual aid, etc.) are probably old as the human race. Proudhon, Owen, Warren, et al simply created a theoretical framework that emphasized such forms of organization as a building block of society ... [Proudhon's] programme centered on 1) abolishing artificial property rights in land and artificial scarcity of credit, so that the working class could secure cheap access to the prerequisites of production; and 2) organizing the economy around associations of producers.

Contents: Preface - Part One—Theoretical Foundations: Value Theory - Part Two—Capitalism and the State: Past, Present and Future - Part Three—Praxis
- Kindle Book available at Amazon
- ISBN 1419658697: Paperback, BookSurge Publishing, 2007
The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Mutualism (economic theory)" as of 28 Dec 2024, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.