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Homeschooling refers to the practice of teaching children in a home or similar setting, in contrast to education that takes place at formal instutitions such as privately or government administered schools. Due to various issues with compulsory education such as teaching of material that is inimical to parents' beliefs, incompetent teachers and exposure to dangerous situations, homeschooling has gained more adherents.

Web Pages

Montessori Homeschooling
Introductory page about homeschooling using the Montessori approach; includes a list of questions and answers about Montessori and homeschooling, broken down into all ages, 0-6 and 6-18, and a case story
There are many varieties of homeschooling. Some people try to imitate the traditional school model ... We fear that this turns a child off as much as going to school. It also separates "learning" from "living". This model is NOT Montessori homeschooling. In a Montessori class, aside from a small percentage of time dedicated to covering the required school subjects (2 hours a a week average) the child is introduced, one-to-one, to activities with which he or she will discover the excitement of learning in all areas, and how all areas are related to each other.
Related Topics: Children, Learning, Self-Esteem
Montessori Homeschooling Groups
Lists 11 homeschooling groups in eight states around the United States; part of the International Montessori Index at
This page has been created at the request of parents, for the purpose of communication between, and with, families who are using Montessori philosophy, practice, materials, to homeschool their children. Due to the fact that we are not notified when these children have grown up, some of the listings are out-of-date.


The Education Tax Racket, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., 24 Aug 2001
Discusses a complaint from a director of the Arkansas Department of Education about the boom in homeschooling possibly influencing property taxes used to pay for government schools
No wonder the homeschooling movement–the most momentous educational development of the last few decades and one of the most hopeful signs for the future–is starting to catch on in a big way ... Does Ray believe that homeschoolers and their anti-tax ways are responsible for [a bloody rampage]? Might such violence have something to do with why parents are withdrawing their kids from the schools to educate them at home? ... [T]he Time article on homeschooling ... was terribly revealing ... Homeschoolers are diverse, they socialize, they excel academically, and they are sought by top colleges.
Herbert Spencer as an Anthropologist [PDF], by Robert L. Carneiro, The Journal of Libertarian Studies, 1981
Traces Spencer's contributions to the fields now known as anthropology and sociology and how his concept of cultural evolution was developed
Herbert Spencer was born in Derby in the English Midlands ... Except for a period of three months, he never attended school, and was educated at home by his father and an uncle. Thus, his education was very uneven. He learned little or nothing of Latin, Greek, English, or history, but received an unusually firm grounding in geometry, algebra, trigonometry and mechanics. In fact, at the age of fifteen he was already reading Newton's Principia. Spencer's uncle wanted him to attend Cambridge, as he himself had, but Spencer declined, feeling that he was not suited for a university career.
Homeschooling: Back to the Future?, by Isabel Lyman, Policy Analysis, 7 Jan 1998
Traces the origins of homeschooling in the U.S. and how it has become accepted; includes answers to typical questions such as homeschooling methods, socialization, legality and college admissions
The victory of homeschooled 13-year-old Rebecca Sealfon in the 1997 National Spelling Bee brought new attention to the growing phenomenon of homeschooling. Dissatisfied with the performance of government-run schools, more and more American families have begun teaching their children at home. Estimates of the number of homeschooled children vary widely; the best estimate is 500,000 to 750,000 ... There are two historical strains of homeschooling, a religious-right thread inspired by author Raymond Moore and a countercultural-left thread inspired by John Holt.
Related Topic: Compulsory Education
Homeschooling Grows Up [PDF], by Brian D. Ray, 2003
Summary presentation with tables and graphs of the results of the survey reported in Home Educated and Now Adults: Their Community and Civic Involvement, Views About Homeschooling, and Other Traits
Every parent who homeschools has been through the drill: "Oh, you homeschool. Aren't you concerned about your child's socialization?" Even TIME magazine picked up on the question ... Homeschooling parents have known the answer for years: "No problem here!" But critics demand proof. Today, the first generation of homeschooled students has "grown up," and there are enough homeschool graduates to begin to see how they are succeeding in their homes, in their work, and in their lives ... [T]he study surveyed over 7,300 adults who were homeschooled.
Related Topic: Pursuit of Happiness
To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool: How Both Sides Got It Wrong, Part 1, by Scott McPherson, 19 Sep 2003
Discusses a debate in USA Today (3 Sep 2003) between supposedly opposing sides of homeschooling, criticizing the position of the writer in favor of homeschooling
Parents who choose to home-school their children are, by and large, not the least bit interested in forging "valuable alliances" with government educationists ... [T]hey have chosen to reject the government-run educational system ... Some find the government education system too secular, too politically correct, too inefficient, too corrupt, too crime-ridden, too sexual, too faddish, too bureaucratic, too incompetent, too dangerous, or any combination thereof. Some, known as "un-schoolers," find the entire concept of "teaching" and "schooling" to be impediments to real learning.
Related Topic: Taxation
To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool: How Both Sides Got it Wrong, Part 2, by Scott McPherson, 24 Sep 2003
Continues the discussion of the debate in USA Today (3 Sep 2003) between supposedly opposing sides of homeschooling, now examining the position of the writer against homeschooling
Evans says that "some parents may be competent to teach very young children." ... But [then] he offers the caveat that "competence will wane in more advanced grades ..." ... Any parent who is either homeschooling or planning to do so is quite aware of his own limitations, which is precisely why home-schooling networks provide information on tutorial services offered by fellow members. Those advertising to teach specific subject matter are usually homeschoolers themselves who have learned through personal experience that which Evans shrouds in mystery as the elusive "teacher competency."
W(h)ither Public Schools?, by Sheldon Richman, Separating School & State, 1994
Chapter 1, made available online on 19 May 2004 to celebrate the tenth publication anniversary; discusses how even mild "public school" reforms are treated as "deadly threats", why a new vision is needed and the role of the family in educating children
If the state does not look after education, who will? ... When people are free, there has been and will be only one answer to the question ...: the family. The institution of family is an outgrowth of individualism and freedom. A man and a woman freely choose to build a life together and raise children. The idea of family without primary responsibility for education is ludicrous ... [A]t first ... schools claimed to value the family. The slow process of centralization and bureaucratization, however, has long removed whatever control families once had over education of their children.


Libertarian Profile: Richard Maybury, by Richard Maybury, Jim Elwood, Freedom Network News, 2003
Topics discussed include: how Maybury became a libertarian, his "Uncle Eric" books and homeschooling, the "packaging" needed to sell liberty and his Early Warning Report investment newsletter
ISIL: You have written 11 books, the "Uncle Eric" series ... I believe these are geared to the home school market? Have you had success in this endeavor?
Maybury: The ... series is read by adults ... but, yes, its main market is home schoolers and charter schools. The response has been amazing. Home schoolers know the government wants children raised by government-controlled schools, not by parents ... A lot of home schoolers do not feel their children are fully educated unless they have both sides of the story and, of course, these people are naturally attracted to the non-statist side.
The Separation of School and State Alliance: An Interview with Marshall Fritz, by Marshall Fritz, 3 Jun 1999
Transcript of online chat hosted by Mary Leggewie (creator of and including audience member questions, many asking about ways to support Fritz and the Alliance's efforts
Marshall Fritz: For about 200 years, Americans educated their children using a variety of church schools, home schooling, charity schools, and dame schools. I am hoping to see a resurgence of dame schools led by homeschool moms who find they really love teaching ...
[H]ome educators must continue to improve their own lives ... When [other parents] see loving, obedient, engaging children ... they know you are doing SOMETHING right ...
Dame schools were popular from the 1600s into the mid 1800s. A woman would have 3-8 children come to her home each day, usually ages 5-8. She taught them to read.


Homeschooling: The Early Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3- to 8- Year-Old Child
    by Linda Dobson, 1999
Contents: Introduction: The Homeschool Learning Journey - Preparing for Your Family's Learning Journey - A World of Curriculum Choice Instills Lifelong Love of Learning - Keeping the Learning Journey Fun and Successful
Homeschooling: The Middle Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 8- to 12- Year-Old Child
    by Shari Henry, 1999
Contents: Introduction: The Homeschool Learning Journey - Preparing for Your Family's Learning Journey - A World of Curriculum Choices: How to Promote a Lifelong Love of Learning - Keeping the Learning Journey Fun and Successful
Homeschooling: The Teen Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 13- to 18- Year-Old
    by Cafi Cohen, 2000
Contents: Introduction: The Homeschool Learning Journey - Preparing for Your Family's Learning Journey - A World of Resources - Keeping the Learning Journey Fun and Successful
Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Pre-School Years
    by Elizabeth G. Hainstock, 1968
Contents: Montessori in the Home - Practical-Life Exercises - Early Sensorial Exercises - Reading and Writing Exercises - Arithmetic Exercises - Home Montessori Equipment
Teaching Montessori in the Home: The School Years
    by Elizabeth G. Hainstock, 1971
Contents: Mathematics - Introduction - Materials: How to Make Them - Exercises - Language Development - Introduction - Materials: How to Make Them - Exercises
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
    by Grace Llewellyn, 1991
Contents: Introduction - Making the Decision - The First Steps - The Tailor-Made Educational Extravaganza - Touching the World: Finding Good Work - The Lives of Unschoolers