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The Beaver State

Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region on the West Coast of the United States. The Columbia River delineates much of Oregon's northern boundary along Washington state, while the Snake River delineates much of its eastern boundary along Idaho. The 42° North parallel delineates the southern boundary with California and Nevada. Oregon is one of only three states of the contiguous United States to have a coastline on the Pacific Ocean.

Geographical type: Territory

Latitude: 44° N — Longitude: 120.5° W

Area: 254,806 km²

ISO 3166-2 code: US-OR

Birthplace of

Linus Pauling, in Portland, on 28 Feb 1901

Deathplace of

Tonie Nathan, in Eugene, on 20 Mar 2014

Measures of Freedom

Freedom in the 50 States 2015-2016 | Oregon | Cato Institute
2014: Overall rank: 38, fiscal policy rank: 39, regulatory policy rank: 36, personal freedom rank: 20, economic freedom rank: 37
LP State-by-State Membership Numbers [PDF], Libertarian Party News, Apr 2006
31 Dec 2005: Number of Members: 318


Booze Busting: The New Prohibition, by James Bovard, Freedom Daily, Dec 1998
Discusses various anti-alcohol laws and enforcement actions, including the law raising the minimum drinking age during the Reagan administration, and what medical research has to say about moderate alcohol consumption
Sixty-odd years after the repeal of Prohibition, a new anti-alcohol fervor is sweeping the nation. The anti-alcohol mentality is leading to absurd practices ... [Lawyer Richard] Berman also reported: "Last spring, Adam McMakin, 13, of Portland, Oregon, was suspended for a week after he was seen swallowing a swig of Scope mouthwash at school. McMakin explained that he just didn't have anywhere to spit. School administrators stood firm on their zero-tolerance policy against alcohol."
Clark For President: A Report on the 1980 Libertarian Presidential Campaign, by Edward H. Crane III (Communications Director), Chris Hocker (National Coordinator), Dec 1980
Post-mortem analysis of the Clark campaign, focusing on what the authors consider were the ten most important aspects, and in terms of what was learned that could be useful to later campaigns
[A] statewide Libertarian candidate received 5% in Oregon and maintained party status there ... In some cases, notably Oregon, the Clark campaign could choose either to qualify Clark alone via a relatively easy ballot access method, or the entire party via a relatively more difficult route. By choosing the party route in Oregon, the combined Clark-Oregon LP effort spent at least $20,000 more than necessary to qualify Clark alone ... but the result was automatic ballot status for the party in 1982, thanks to the fine showing of one of its statewide candidates.
How unfriendly to small business can Oregon get?, by Steve Buckstein, 30 Sep 2003
Commentary on Oregon's rank in a small business index and the governor's response to a citizen petition to repeal a tax increase
The Small Business Survival Committee just released its 2003 Small Business Survival Index, which ranks states according to how friendly their policies are for small business and entrepreneurship. Oregon falls close to the bottom; only eight states and the District of Columbia are worse. ... Oregon is highly dependent on small business economic activity. Thus, given the state's unfriendly ranking, perhaps it's the governor and tax-and-regulate politicians who need a reality check.
The think tank boom, by Peter Orvetti, Libertarian Party News, Feb 2000
Discusses the proliferation of state-level "libertarian/conservative think tanks" between 1985-2000, the activities in pursuit of their goals and various examples and quotes from some of the public policy organizations
In the early 1990s, Steve Buckstein realized there was no free-market public policy institute in Oregon ... [That] led him to launch the Cascade Policy Institute ... In 1997, "Cascade played an instrumental role in getting the Oregon legislature to pass a resolution asking the federal government to let Oregon opt out of the Social Security system—and allow our residents to set up their own individual retirement accounts," he said ... In 1998, [a] Cascade ... policy paper advocating more competition in the taxi cab market [in Portland] "led to the city's approval of two new cab companies—the first in over 20 years," he said.

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Oregon" as of 3 Nov 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.