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The Constitution State - ratified Constitution 9 Jan 1788

Connecticut is the southernmost state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. As of the 2010 Census, it has the highest per-capita income, Human Development Index and median household income in the United States. It is bordered by Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, New York to the west and Long Island Sound to the south. Its capital is Hartford and its most populous city is Bridgeport. It is part of New England, although portions of it are often grouped with New York and New Jersey as the Tri-state area. The state is named for the Connecticut River, a major river that approximately bisects the state. The word "Connecticut" is derived from various anglicized spellings of an Algonquian word for "long tidal river".

Geographical type: Territory

Latitude: 41.6° N — Longitude: 73.7° W

Area: 14,357 km²

ISO 3166-2 code: US-CT

Birthplace of

Dominick T. Armentano, in Hartford, on 1940
George W. Bush, George Walker Bush, in New Haven, on 6 Jul 1946
John Chamberlain, in New Haven, on 28 Oct 1903
Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Litchfield, on 14 Jun 1811

Deathplace of

Charles A. Beard, in New Haven, on 1 Sep 1948
Miloš Forman, in Danbury, on 13 Apr 2018
Joseph Schumpeter, in Taconic, on 8 Jan 1950
Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Hartford, on 1 Jul 1896
Rose Wilder Lane, in Danbury, on 30 Oct 1968

Measures of Freedom

Freedom in the 50 States
2023: Overall rank: 33, economic freedom: 33, fiscal policy: 20, regulatory policy: 40, personal freedom: 16
LP State-by-State Membership Numbers [PDF], Libertarian Party News, Apr 2006
31 Dec 2005: Number of Members: 216


Booze Busting: The New Prohibition, by James Bovard, Freedom Daily, Dec 1998
Discusses various anti-alcohol laws and enforcement actions, including the law raising the minimum drinking age during the Reagan administration, and what medical research has to say about moderate alcohol consumption
Connecticut parent Dana Mack complained in the Wall Street Journal about that state's Comprehensive Health Education Curriculum:
In the war on drugs ... parents—not pushers—are the enemy. Parents are purported to transmit "positive attitudes" toward drug use and to "involve" their children in it. How? According to the teacher's guide, when they request children "to bring a beer from the refrigerator." ... One exercise in the second-grade lesson plan fairly extracts family confessions. It invites children to send "secret messages" to their teacher about "problems at home."
An End to Eminent Domain Abuse?, by George C. Leef, Freedom Daily, Apr 2005
Published just two months before the unfortunate Kelo v. City of New London U.S. Supreme Court decision, expresses hope that the court would rectify the 1954 Berman v. Parker ruling
In 1998, the City of New London, Connecticut, and the New London Development Corporation, a private, nonprofit corporation, began legal proceedings to condemn land allegedly needed to create a 90-acre redevelopment park in the city ... The grandiose political vision ... was ... justification for the seizure of numerous homes, including that of Susette Kelo ... The land seizure was challenged by a number of property owners, including Kelo. Predictably, the Connecticut state courts that ruled on the case found the taking to be perfectly all right.
The Supreme Court Repeals the Constitution, by Sheldon Richman, Freedom Daily, Sep 2005
Discusses the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. City of New London (2005), with emphasis on the dissenting opinions of O'Connor and Thomas
The winners ... are big well-connected land developers—and revenue-hungry local politicians, like those in New London, Connecticut, who condemned ... homes and stores in a decent working-class neighborhood to make way for a private luxury hotel, upscale restaurants, and other businesses. Several homeowners objected, including an elderly woman who has lived in her home all her life, and they sued all the way to the Supreme Court. The city argued that, since the new businesses will produce increased tax revenue and jobs, the takings will benefit the public, even if it won't directly use the land.

The introductory paragraph uses material from the Wikipedia article "Connecticut" as of 31 Oct 2018, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.