Anarcho-Capitalism: An Annotated Bibliography, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, 31 Dec 2001
... essential reading on anarcho-capitalism, which might also be called the natural order, private-property anarchy, ordered anarchy, radical capitalism, the private-law society, or society without a state. ... Rothbard and Austro-Libertarianism ... Alternative Approaches ... Precursors ... Congenial Writings
Floyd Arthur 'Baldy' Harper, RIP, by
Murray N. Rothbard,
The Libertarian Forum, May 1973
Biographical remembrance of "Baldy" including his involvement in the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), the Volker Fund and the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS)
Baldy and I came to anarcho-capitalism from laissez-faire at about the same time, driven by inexorable logic, in what for us was the memorable winter of 1949-50. I vividly remember one time I was visiting him at FEE and he quietly pulled out a copy of Tolstoy's anarchist Law of Love and the Law of Violence, which he confided that "some of us are now reading with great interest."
Friedman, David (1945-), by Bryan Caplan,
The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, 15 Aug 2008
Biographical essay
Politically, he is an advocate of the radical libertarian position known as 'anarcho-capitalism,' arguing that even the limited functions of the night-watchman state (police, courts, law, and punishment) can and should be privately supplied. ... Friedman's academic and popular interests interact in a number of ways. Most notably, his academic research on the political economy of medieval Iceland has provided anarcho-capitalists with arguably the best historical example of their preferred social system.
Market Anarchism: Are You Guys Crazy, or Just Nuts?, by
Stefan Molyneux, 12 Jun 2006
'Market anarchism' is a broad term referring to the theory that voluntary free market relationships can - and should - replace all existing coercive state relationships. It is derived from taking the principle of the non-initiation of force to its ultimate conclusion, and accepting that if using violence is wrong for one person, then it is wrong for every person.
On Autobiography, by
Walter Block, 4 Dec 2002
Autobiographical, recounts how Block met Ayn Rand and later Murray Rothbard and how he progressed from libertarian minarchism to anarcho-capitalism; reprinted in Block's
I Chose Liberty (2010), chapter 9
Larry [Moss], and his then roommate Jerry Woloz, ganged up on me. Using on the government the same Hazlittian arguments about profit and loss, the weeding out process of inefficient entrepreneurs, that had convinced me of the merits of private vis-à-vis public provision of all other goods and services, they shook me up on this anarchism business. (I had previously thought, only, that it wouldn't work, that it couldn't work, not that it was morally wrong.) After I met [Rothbard], it took him probably all of 15 minutes to convert me to the same anarcho-capitalist position I have held ever since.
Robert Nozick, Philosopher of Liberty, by
Roderick T. Long,
The Freeman, Sep 2002
Focuses mainly on Nozick's contributions in
Anarchy, State, and Utopia (page references are to 1974 edition), with brief reference to his later works and his death earlier in 2002
Nozick sought to defend the minimal state–that is, a state "limited to the functions of protecting all its citizens against violence, theft, and fraud, and to the enforcement of contracts" (p. 26)–not only against those who want something more, but also against those who want something less. [Anarchy, State, and Utopia] therefore includes a critique of "anarcho-capitalism," the ultra-libertarian position that the legislative, judicial, and police functions hitherto monopolized by government should be open to competition among private "protection agencies."
Arts and Movies, by
Mr. First Nighter,
The Rothbard-Rockwell Report, Nov 1990
Review of Scorsese's
Goodfellas (1990), contrasting it with Coppola's
The Godfather's I and II; reprinted in
The Irrepresible Rothbard, pp. 414-417
Organized crime is essentially anarcho-capitalist, a productive industry struggling to govern itself; apart from attempts to monopolize and injure competitors, it is productive and non-aggressive. Unorganized, or street, crime, in contrast, is random, punkish, viciously aggressive against the innocent, and has no redeeming social feature. Wouldn't you know, then, that our leftist culture hates and reviles the Mafia and organized crime, while it lovingly excuses, and apologizes for, chaotic and random street punks violence which amounts to "anarchy" in the bad, or common meaning.
Do You Consider Yourself a Libertarian?, by
Lew Rockwell, Kenny Johnsson, 25 May 2007
Interview by Kenny Johnsson for the short-lived "The Liberal Post" blog; topics discussed include libertarianism, statism, war, elections, taxes, anarchism and the U.S. Constitution
Rockwell: The term anarchist is mostly used to mean someone who believes that if the state and law are gotten rid of, all property would become collectively owned. It was the great insight of Murray Rothbard that this is not the case: private ownership and the law that support it are natural ... So he was an anarchist in this sense but to avoid confusion he used the term anarcho-capitalist. This doesn't mean that he favored somehow establishing a capitalist system in place of the state. What he said is that capitalism is the de facto result in a civilized society without a state.
Radical Economics: An Interview with Walter Block, by
Walter Block,
Austrian Economics Newsletter, 1999
Discusses topics such as the effect of Rothbard's death, Block's own intellectual development, the legality of blackmail and barriers to Austrians in academia
Block: ... Right now, we have anarchy among states ... These days, people can avail themselves of the benefits of so-called anarchy through orderly exchanges on the internet. Auction houses like thrive, whereby people from all over the world bid and receive goods, with no enforcement mechanism other than their reputations at stake. If you fail to pay, fail to send in goods, or mislead in any way, those facts are spread out before the world ...
Anarcho-capitalism is nothing more than the conviction that market logic applies across the board.
Related Topics:
Ludwig Lachmann,
Man, Economy, and State,
Minimum Wage Laws,
Ludwig von Mises,
Private Roads,
Property Rights,
Murray N. Rothbard,
The State
The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism
David D. Friedman, 1973
Partial contents: I: In Defense of Property - II: Libertarian Grab Bag or How to Sell the State in Small Pieces - III: Anarchy is not Chaos - Socialism, Limited Government, Anarchy, and Bikinis - IV: For Libertarians—An Expanded Postscript
Walter Block Is an Anarchist, by
Walter Block,
The Lew Rockwell Show, 28 Jul 2009
Rockwell asks Block whether he is an anarchist and they discuss various books and articles that cover the topic