Loyola University, Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and Professor of Economics
Mises Institute, Senior Fellow
Web Pages
The Advocates for Self-Government Walter Block Libertarian
Includes picture, biography and quote
It was 1963, and college student Walter Block was, by his own admission, 'a dumb pinko.' Ayn Rand came to visit Brooklyn College, and Block decided to attend her lecture — just so he could boo and hiss! After her speech, he decided that he had not booed or hissed enough, so he decided to attend the free luncheon being held in her honor. Of course, Block, not being a member of the Objectivist Study Group, was seated a long way from the guest of honor. So ... he decided to march right up to the head table, stick his head between Rand and Nathaniel Branden, and tell them that there was a socialist who wanted to debate them.
Walter Block | College of Business
Faculty page at Loyola University, New Orleans; includes photo, profile, contact information and link to CV
Walter Block is the Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics at Loyola University. He is also an Adjunct Scholar at the Mises Institute and the Hoover Institute. He has previously taught at the University of Central Arkansas, Holy Cross College, Baruch (C.U.N.Y.) and Rutgers Universities. He earned a B.A. in philosophy from Brooklyn College (C.U.N.Y.) in 1964 and a Ph.D. degree in economics from Columbia University in 1972.
Walter Block | Mises Institute
Includes picture, short profile and links to books and other writings
Walter Block is the Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics at Loyola University, senior fellow of the Mises Institute, and regular columnist for
Archived Articles
Walter E. Block, Author at
Articles from June 2001 to May 2015; blog posts up to the present
Libertarianism Is Not Atheist, Is Not Religious, by
Wendy McElroy,
The Daily Bell, 9 Oct 2014
Examines Rothbard's views in a 1987 article about freedom and religion, in particular regarding Ayn Rand's atheistic influences on early modern libertarianism
In an important article entitled "Libertarianism or Libertinism," the Rothbardian Walter Block expanded the definition [of libertarianism given by Rothbard]. "Libertarianism is a political philosophy ... concerned solely with the proper use of force. Its core premise is that it should be illegal to threaten or initiate violence against a person or his property without his permission; force is justified only in defense or retaliation. That is it, in a nutshell. The rest is mere explanation, elaboration, and qualification–and answering misconceived objections."
Libertarianism Rightly Conceived, by
Sheldon Richman,
The Goal Is Freedom, 2 May 2014
Responds to criticisms made by Walter Block and Lew Rockwell about Charles W. Johnson's "Libertarianism through Thick and Thin" (July 2008) and Richman's "What Social Animals Owe to Each Other" (April/July 2014)
In a recent lecture, libertarian economist Walter Block rebutted the case for thick libertarianism, ... by insisting that libertarianism is only about nonaggression combined with property rights acquired through homesteading. But insistence is not argument. He went on to rebut my proposition that libertarianism is intimately associated with individualism ... Where Block goes wrong is in conflating ethical/political individualism, which is based on the idea of the human being as a social animal, with what we might call lifestyle, or atomistic, individualism, which I never claimed was the essence of libertarianism.
The life and times of Murray N. Rothbard, by
Jim Powell
Full title: The life and times of Murray N. Rothbard, who showed why private individuals can do just about everything that needs to be done
Lengthy biographical essay
Rothbard displayed a buoyant sense of humor. Wary of his radicalism, recalled College of the Holy Cross economics professor Walter Block, "I had expected some lean, mean muscle man, say about 6'2" and 180 lbs., toting a machine gun in one hand and a bomb in the other. Instead, I met this little fat man who kept up a rapid fire of positively wicked jokes; the danger, I soon perceived, was not going to jail or being blown up, but rather dying from stomach cramps brought on by uncontrollable laughter."
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American Revolutionary War,
Compulsory Education,
John T. Flynn,
Foundation for Economic Education,
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Karl Hess,
Human Action,
Manny Klausner,
Man, Economy, and State,
Mises Institute,
Ludwig von Mises,
Property Rights,
Ayn Rand,
Lew Rockwell,
Murray N. Rothbard,
Mark Skousen,
The State,
Vietnam War
Putting Opponents on the Hot Seat, by
Lew Rockwell, 3 May 2006
Foreword to
Building Blocks For Liberty: Critical Essays, a collection of essays by Walter Block
Murray Rothbard, in his life, was known as Mr. Libertarian. We can make a solid case that the title now belongs to Walter Block, a student of Rothbard's whose own vita is as thick as a big-city phonebook, and as diverse as Wikipedia. Whether he is writing on economic theory, ethics, political secession, drugs, roads, education, monetary policy, social theory, unions, political language, or anything else, his prose burns with a passion for this single idea: if human problems are to be solved, the solution is to be found by permitting greater liberty. Yes, Walter Block is provocative.
Block Attacks Rockwell for 'Extremism', 28 Jul 2006
A tongue-in-cheek commentary by Block on Rockwell's "The Real Cause of Blackouts" (27 July 2006) about California and New York blackouts and his demand for privatizing utilities, with sideswipes at the Chicago School and "more moderate" think tanks
There is this guy, Lew Rockwell ... I don't know if you've noticed it or not, but the man is an extremist. Yes, I repeat that: an extremist! He has no sense of proportion, nor balance. Instead, he marks out the most extreme positions on any given subject, and tries to make them sound, horrors!, reasonable ...
It is totally comprehensible that this group limps along with an extremely (get that!?! poetic justice, here) small budget, compared to other "free market" think tanks that have caved in, no, no, I meant, taken on a more moderate position ... Down with Rockwell! Boo, Lew. He stinks.
Drug Legalization: How to Radically Lower the Number of Murders in New Orleans, 27 Jan 2007
Suggests drug legalization as a remedy to the increased murder rate in New Orleans and then considers six objections to such a plan and its potential effects
New Orleans is now undergoing an unprecedented murder rate, even for the Big Uneasy. How can we dig our way out of this morass? The usual suspect solutions have all been tried ... and will not help us now. According to the conventional wisdom, the way to stop people from shooting at each other is to improve our public schools ...
New Orleans, let us legalize drugs! We have only to lose our title as a place where people are shot down in cold blood en masse. Mayor Nagin, let's go free enterprise. We won't be "chocolate" city; we'll be drug city instead. Safer, and a lot more prosperous.
Milton Friedman RIP,
Mises Daily, 16 Nov 2006
In memoriam, focusing on Friedman's positives and including several personal recollections
Milton Friedman died today at age 94. May he rest in peace. I don't want to discuss the Reagan and Thatcher "revolutions" he supposedly inspired. Nor his "Free to Choose" series, his many years with the University of Chicago and the Hoover Institution, or his Nobel Prize in Economics ...
I regard Milton as my intellectual grandfather. He was on Gary Becker's dissertation committee, and Gary was my dissertation advisor. I am one of literally thousands of his intellectual grandchildren by this way of calculating such matters, since Milton guided literally several hundred graduate students ...
On Autobiography, 4 Dec 2002
Autobiographical, recounts how Block met Ayn Rand and later Murray Rothbard and how he progressed from libertarian minarchism to anarcho-capitalism; reprinted in Block's
I Chose Liberty (2010), chapter 9
One of the (very few, perhaps the only) problems I have with the publication output of Murray N. Rothbard is that he never wrote his autobiography. Don't ask me which of his articles or books I would wish not to have been written, so as to leave room for this non existent autobiography ...
It took me a matter of hours to be converted to libertarian minarchism. It took a matter of minutes, I was so ready for it, ... to see the light on anarcho-capitalism. Austrianism took months ...; in a sense, many years later, now, I am still working on it. Such is the story of my beginnings in the movement.
Open Letter to Barack Obama, 16 May 2008
Explains why foreign policy is more important than economics or civil liberties when it comes to choosing between the major presidential candidates and offers some advice to then Senator (and candidate) Obama
As a libertarian, I must of course support for the presidency of the U.S. in the upcoming election whoever is the candidate of the Libertarian Party. (It's a libertarian thing; you wouldn't understand.) However, as a citizen, and political actor, ... I favor you above the other two. Why? In a word, foreign policy ... Learn some economics, for goodness sakes ... Here are two great introductory places to start ... I promise that if you so much as look at these latter two publications, I will stand ready to answer any questions you may have and to otherwise tutor you on basic economics.
Rent Control,
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
Defines rent control, its general effects, its effects on tenants and offers some solutions; citing supporting examples from New York City and elsewhere
New York State legislators defend the War Emergency Tenant Protection Act—also known as rent control—as a way of protecting tenants from war-related housing shortages. The war referred to in the law is not the 2003 war in Iraq, however, or the Vietnam War; it is World War II. That is when rent control started in New York City ... Addressing a crowded news conference in the Indian capital, [Foreign Minister Nguyen Co] Thach admitted ... all the houses in Hanoi had fallen into disrepair ... "The Americans couldn't destroy Hanoi, but we have destroyed our city by very low rents. We realized it was stupid and that we must change policy," he said.
Why Be An Economist? To Be Happy, That's Why,
Mises Daily, 21 Dec 2006
Block contrasts his recommendations to students interested in economics (getting a PhD. and becoming a professor or similar career) vs. advice from another professor (majoring in economics and finance with a view towards a finance career)
I have of late become embroiled with a colleague and friend of mine who shall remain nameless ... My advice to my very best students, the ones who are bright and ... have been really bitten by the Austro-libertarian bug thanks to both our efforts and those of our several other colleagues, is to major in economics ... I hope that one day this colleague of mine will be convinced of the error of his ways, and join me in this endeavor. If there is one thing I am passionate about, it is passing on to the next generation the baton that Murray Rothbard a while ago passed on to me and my contemporaries.
Defending the Undefendable: Walter Block, Twenty Years Later, by Walter Block, Alberto Mingardi,
Laissez Faire City Times, 7 Dec 1998
In addition to discussing
Defending the Undefendable, covers issues such as entertainment, Ayn Rand, Hazlitt, the Libertarian Party and Murray Rothbard
[Mingardi:] How has your thought changed these past 22 years, if it has changed? In particular, regarding your 'defense' of prostitution and pornography?
[Block:] No, I have been stuck in a rut for the past few decades. I have broadened my knowledge, and come across many more arguments, but I still hold to the libertarian view that the law should only prohibit invasive violence or the threat thereof. Since pornography and prostitution are not physically aggressive, they should be legalized. I don't think too much of them on moral grounds, but that is an entirely different issue.
Faculty Spotlight Interview: Walter Block, 18 Jan 2010
Asks Block about his hobbies, greatest inspiration, the impact of his work and more
Walter Block is a professor of economics at Loyola University in New Orleans. He earned his undergraduate degree in philosophy at Brooklyn College and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. He is the author of Defending the Undefendable and Privatization of Roads and Highways: Human and Economic Factors, and a dozen other books. He has written 350 articles in scholarly refereed journals, and several thousand op eds and magazine and newspaper articles.
The Non-Aggression Axiom,
The Lew Rockwell Show, 4 Aug 2008
Rockwell asks Block to explain the non-agression axiom and he goes on to talk about property rights, how Rothbard convinced him that even limited government violates the axiom, and why government cannot be viewed as a club that you join
Radical Economics: An Interview with Walter Block,
Austrian Economics Newsletter, 1999
Discusses topics such as the effect of Rothbard's death, Block's own intellectual development, the legality of blackmail and barriers to Austrians in academia
Walter Block is professor of economics at the University of Central Arkansas and chairman of the department. He is also co-editor of The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, and his work on a wide range of theoretical and political issues has advanced the practical application of Austrian economics. He is author of Defending the Undefendable and hundreds of articles and edited books dealing with topics as diverse as religion and economics, and economic development.
Related Topics:
Ludwig Lachmann,
Man, Economy, and State,
Minimum Wage Laws,
Ludwig von Mises,
Private Roads,
Property Rights,
Murray N. Rothbard,
The State
Road Socialism,
The Lew Rockwell Show, 20 Aug 2008
Rockwell talks with Block about the privatization of roads and streets, subject of an upcoming book
Walter Block Interview, by Walter Block, Scott Horton,
The Scott Horton Show, 30 Jul 2005
"Walter Block discusses how Austrian economics compares to the other schools on the questions of regulation, monopoly, gold, roads, and a land without a state."
Books Authored
Defending the Undefendable: The Pimp, Prostitute, Scab, Slumlord, Libeler, Moneylender, and Other Scapegoats in the Rogue's Gallery of American Society
by Walter Block,
F. A. Hayek (commentary),
Murray N. Rothbard (foreword), 1976
Partial contents: The Drug Addict - The Slanderer and Libeler - The Advertiser - The Gypsy Cab Driver - The Inheritor - The Moneylender - The Speculator - The Importer - The Middleman - The Profiteer - The Fat Capitalist-Pig Employer
Walter Block Is an Anarchist, by Walter Block,
Lew Rockwell,
The Lew Rockwell Show, 28 Jul 2009
Rockwell asks Block whether he is an anarchist and they discuss various books and articles that cover the topic